CMS launches AI-automated ATM security software 'Algo'

CIOReviewIndia Team | Thursday, 15 October 2020, 04:15 IST

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CMS Algo
CMS Info Systems (CMS) has announced the release of fully automated, Artificial Intelligence-powered ATM security software application called 'Algo'.
CMS Algo is an end-to-end security encrypted and fool-proof solution that is built to prevent ATM frauds at the time of cash replenishment or maintenance, the company said in a statement.
This AI application is machine-agnostic and can operate on any ATM manufactured by any OEM.
Rajiv Kaul, Executive Vice Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Whole-time Director of CMS Info Systems, said, "This application can run on any ATM across the world and helps in fraud prevention. The solution is cost-effective in the back-end and low cost in the front-end."
"The biggest saving is the reduction of fraud, no requirement of a call centre, and restricted access to data and premises," he said.
Rajiv informed that the company has deployed Algo on 52,000 ATMs in India.
CMS is India’s largest Cash Management and Payment Solutions firm, and the world’s fifth largest ATM Cash Management company. It has a network spanning over 90,000 ATMs and retail outlets.