As days go by, automation solutions are becoming an integral part of various industries such as Power, Oil & Gas and automotive. Nowadays, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has attained more significance in the automation realm. While vendors are focused on either hardware re-selling or development, the demand for one stop automation solution for identification, data capture and analytics has increased. Being a forerunner in providing innovative RFID System Integration and Solution Design, Delhi headquartered Eco Tracksys Limited caters RFID based comprehensive automated solutions for Library Management, Campus Automation, Vehicle Tracking, Asset Management and Weighbridge Automation etc.
"We have provided RFID solutions to Steel Plants, Indian Army, Power Generation Plants, Logistics Companies, Educational Institutes and Manufacturing Plants including NTPC Ltd.; Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd. Delhi University and Omaxe Group etc.," asserts Nishant Kumar Dean, Founder Director and CTO, Eco Tracksys Limited. Additionally, it provides services in the areas of Consultancy, System Integration and Decision Support.
Eco Tracksys, an end-to -end solution provider in RFID technology, is highly focused on identification, authentication and automization to ensure enhanced operational efficiency, improved business processes and reduced cost. "Eco Tracksys has always been following an approach right from designing a solution to supply and followed by operation and maintenance services, extending further to data analytics services which helps our clients to take strategic decisions at right time," opines Somya Jayaswal, Co-founder and CEO, Eco Tracksys Limited.
For Library Automation, Eco Tracksys offers RFID based Library Management System for quick and efficient stock taking, tracking and replenishment of books in demand. Through RFID technology, it transforms library system into completely automatic system, therefore, enabling library staff to utilize their time in more valuable manner. While taking Campus Automation into account, the company provides Campus Automation Solution for the complete automation of all processes in educational institutes. "With the help of a single smart card you can pay canteen bills, issue or return books in library, automatically mark attendance as soon as student reaches college, access grant at various gates and track location of a student inside the campus," adds Nishant Kumar Dean.
Eco Tracksys Limited caters RFID based comprehensive automated solutions for Library Management, Campus Automation, Vehicle Tracking, Asset Management and Weighbridge Automation etc. 
To follow and maintain a discipline in entry and exit rules in campus premises including speed limits, directions of entry and exit etc., the company offers Eco AVIS (Automatic Vehicle Identification System) which is an RFID based system for managing the Entry or Exit flow of vehicles. The system occupies various benefits including better parking management and space utilization, real time monitoring of vehicle movement and zero waiting time at the main gate leading to reduced carbon emission and fuel savings etc. Additionally, Eco Tracksys renders Eco-ATIMS (Asset Tracking and Inventory Management System) for real time monitoring of asset movement, automatic and accurate asset inventory and better decision making based on reports and analytics etc. With 100 smart cities project, Eco Tracksys aims massive RFID implementation in all sectors. It envisages making smarter industries including Manufacturing, Transport, Education and Healthcare etc.