Beckhoff Automation :: Pioneering Exceptional Automation Solutions for Tomorrow's Industries

CIO Vendor With factories entering the advanced phase of digital transformation, the Indian manufacturing industry actively seeks to achieve lower cost of production, quicker turnarounds, and more efficiently meeting customer demands. Beckhoff Automation Private Limited is an Indian subsidiary of Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany. With its Indian headquarters at Pune, Beckhoff offers a wealth of ideas and platforms that support radical innovation. The innovations like Open Automation systems with PC based Control, distributed I/ Os, Innovative motion control systems like linear transport systems XTS, X-Planer, distributed Drive systems, Innovative Scientific Automation like measurement with high speed data acquisition, condition monitoring, real time scope view etc. are few to name which has created new bench marks for machine performances. Apart from sales and technical support Beckhoff India also takes pride in their Training Facility in Pune, Ahmedabad & Bengaluru where training courses for maintenance and TwinCAT Programming are offered.

Automation Prodigies - EtherCAT & TwinCAT
Higher machine cycle times, machine down times, inconsistency in quality, higher RM wastages, higher rejections and reworks are the biggest challenges to business profitability. Motion Control automation challenges at machine level is another area that needed attention. Beckhoff has addressed the machine level challenges of cycle times and high speed motion control by introducing EtherCAT fieldbus communication protocol where control data transfer efficiencies are enhanced multi-fold using standard Ethernet infrastructure. A regular RJ45 Ethernet port on a computer is all that is required to connect a CPU quickly to complex I/Os, Motion drives and process the extensive data (process images) on the fly with EtherCAT. This eliminates dedicated communication controller commonly used for protocol stack. Beckhoff has recently enhanced the EtherCAT performance by introducing EtherCAT G & EtherCAT G10 technology. EtherCAT G provides 1Gbps transmission rate of standard Ethernet and EtherCAT G10 at 10Gbps. This is 100 times faster than current 100mbps standard EtherCAT. More so, Beckhoff's new One Cable Automation solution EtherCAT P, is a combination of communication and power in a single 4-wire standard Ethernet cable.
This out of the box product allows the direct supply of both the EtherCAT P slaves and the connected sensors & actuators with two voltages. With EtherCAT P technology, the currents are coupled directly into the wires of the 100 Mbit line, enabling the realization of a highly cost-effective and compact connection. All the benefits of EtherCAT, such as freedom in topology design, high speed, optimum bandwidth utilization, telegram processing on-the-fly, highly precise synchronization, extensive diagnostics functionality, etc. are retained while integrating the voltages.

"Beckhoff has addressed the machine level challenges of cycle times and high speed motion control by introducing EtherCAT fieldbus communication protocol where control data transfer efficiencies are enhanced multi-fold using standard Ethernet infrastructure"

With TwinCAT Analytics and TwinCAT IoT, Beckhoff integrates functionality for data analysis and communication between controllers and cloud-based services into the familiar TwinCAT development environment. Users enjoy the advantage of developing functions such as lifetime monitoring or runtime analysis for predictive maintenance using the tools they are familiar with.PCbased control specialist Beckhoff has expanded its established, highly successful TwinCAT product range to include TwinCAT Vision, an integrated Image processing solution. This addition underscores the increasing importance of image processing as a quality factor across mechanical engineering, particularly in applications like Industry 4.0, Quality optimization, and track-and-trace. TwinCAT Vision adds image processing to a universal control platform that incorporates PLC, motion control, robotics, high-end measurement technology, IoT and HMI. This simplifies engineering significantly in that it allows camera configuration and programming tasks to be carried out in the familiar PLC environment.

With innovation as the key driving force and customer-first as their motto, Beckhoff strives to provide customers with the right innovative products, via experienced people, so as to enable them to secure the winning edge in their business.