Automation is critical to the future of business. Business process automation is no longer just a luxury for larger companies, it is quickly becoming a must-have for firms of all sizes to ensure long-term success. Automation of many forms, ranging from Business Process Automation to Robotic Process Automation to Intelligent Process Automation, is being used to improve operational efficiency, save time, improve quality & consistency, raise staff productivity, and ensure customer satisfaction.
However, collaborating with a capable technology solution partner will be vital to achieving end-goals. With a powerful mix of advisory, digital transformation and research capabilities, ISG enjoys an excellent position as a thought leader, as seen by its global CTO office and vendor relationships, a highly acknowledged competent & professional team of automation professionals, and a full suite of services to assist any organization with their automation needs. By combining executive insights with supplier benchmarking data, ISG is well positioned to provide advisory services to companies worldwide.
ISG ProBenchmark is dedicated to delivering market price intelligence to individuals in client organizations who require it in order to win, keep, and renew transactions. ISG GovernX assists businesses through their transformation process, while ISG InformTM compares customers' digital investments against those of comparable firms. It provides data for comparison with market and peer data. ISG provides executive insights that enable organizations to handle the difficulties of supplier data proliferation and
visibility fragmentation, while also giving businesses the power and insights they need to manage provider relationships, risk, and compliance more efficiently.
“ISG utilizes our 5D Methodology to bring together people, clients' processes, and marketleading technologies to enable true automation transformation. Our 5D Methodology consists of the following components- Discover, Design, Deploy, Deliver, and Digitize. Discover involves using our process and task mining skills to uncover clients' automation and improvement opportunities.
In Design, we develop an overall automation strategy, ascertain the customers' technological requirements, and launch an initial project to capitalize on the clients' discovered opportunities. Deploy is the follow on to Design where the automations are implemented. Lastly, Delivery is the ongoing care and feeding of the automation ecosystem to maximize return on investment. Digitize underpins everything with ISG’s Digital Enablement platform a client’s workforce can be digitally enabled”, explains Seshadri Venkata Krishna, Director at ISG.
ISG probenchmark is dedicated to delivering market price intelligence to individuals in client organizations who require it in order to win, keep, and renew transactions
ISG assists businesses through the transformation path, from defining their future vision to leading rapid change and assisting in creating value & scalability. ISG will continue to build its ties with automation vendors while also refining and maturing its products in the future. By leveraging our 5D methodology and our expertise to work with a wide range of technologies, including RPA and Machine Learning, ISG Automation is ideally positioned to aid any global organization on its automation journey.