IT leaders are liable for digital marketing initiatives

Ranendra Datta, VP-IT, SABMiller India

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SABMiller plc (OTCMKTS:SBMRY), headquartered in London is a leading brewing and beverage company dispersed across six continents. Established in 1895, the company harbors 70,000 employees in more than 80 locations worldwide. It has a market cap of $89.87 billion.

The growing need of staying available anywhere and anytime connected to the business networks has expanded the realm of emerging IT trends. The open source environment has today changed the way IT organizations and users address the conundrum of business expectations. Moreover, organizations have access to huge volumes of information which needs a single platform to collate both data and communication and enable businesses. In response to the consumerization of IT, organizations are embarking on mobility solutions, big data analytics and cloud based services to drive business productivity. With the ingraining of enterprise IT trends, organizations are continuously getting to the grips of various security challenges which can lead to breaches. As cloud today has reached a point where it can be tagged as an old hat in technology, IT managers are striving to overcome the vulnerabilities of sharing information in the cloud where the information disseminated can fall under trap of infringement. Understanding every aspect of security, compliance, and governance adhered to a technology trend; enterprises have contrived stringent security process to keep data secured and safe in the cloud.

Role of a CIO
Today’s CIOs take focus on the nuances of agile data analytics tools and techniques to drive more insightful business decisions and prevent fraudulent activities. One of the major challenges which the CIOs face is about managing business expectations while anticipating IT to turnaround solutions and services fast. IT managers in forward-thinking enterprises are waking up to amazing power of big data, mobility and cloud based services. They are involved in building all the capabilities of enterprise IT solutions while harnessing their compelling insights.

Trends to Stay
IT solutions have the potential to benefit brewing industry at all levels allowing brewing industries to access huge cost savings and customer satisfaction. By onboarding desktop virtualization, brewing industries like SABMiller have got a flexible and expedite way to record live data feeds for tasting panelist on their tasting portals during beer tasting sessions.

Enterprises exhibit profound growth as the evolving technologies are offering seamless innovative business solutions which cull time and resources simultaneously. IT leaders are liable for digital marketing initiatives for ensuring compliance to data standards, security and risk control. Few trends such as big data, enterprise mobility will help to build an effective roadmap which will ease and accelerate the businesses. To sum it up, organizations have to nurture and embrace the IT trends to trim down business complexities and ensure impeccable delivery.