10 Most Promising OTT Solution Providers ­- 2021

10 Most Promising OTT Solution Providers ­- 2021

10 Most Promising OTT Solution Providers ­- 2021

OTT platforms in India have been increasingly attracting subscribers apart from global OTT players. A plethora of regional and local OTT players are coming into the platform. The report says that Indian video OTT market is expected to grow from $1.5 billion in 2021 to $4 billion in 2025 and further to $12.5 billion by 2030. The OTT market in India is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.6 percent over the next four years. The reports says that the OTT market growth will be reflected in tier-II, III & IV cities. The enhanced networks, stronger internet connectivity and multimedia service-capable mobiles are some of the main reasons for growing number of OTT sub-scribers day by day.

The rising popularity of OTT platforms has encouraged many media and entertainment channels to launch their own OTT platform to stream their contents. The pandemic time has accelerated the subscription of OTT platforms among Indian youth. As per a recent study, most Indian viewers prefer watching regional language content, especially Hindi contents, on the OTT platforms. Hindi language con-tent accounted for more than 50 percent of the over-all streaming in April­July 2020.

While top five metro cities accounted for four per-cent of the total OTT platform viewers, there were five percent of OTT platform users in tier-I cities. The surging adoption of internet based communication system is fuelling the market growth. The temporary shutdown of multiplexes and theaters were another reason which pushed the OTT platform subscription.

Understanding the need of the hour team CIOReviewIndia has come-up with a list of `10 Most Promising OTT Solution Providers ­ - 2021' who have proved their proficiency in the sector with a deep knowledge in technology. The following list is prepared closely scrutinized by a panel of judges consisting of CEOs, CIOs, CXO, analysts, and our editorial board. We believe that these platforms will help in transforming entertainment and media based business processes through innovative technologies.

We present to you CIOTechOutlook 10 Most Promising OTT Solution Providers ­- 2021.

10 Most Promising OTT Solution Providers ­- 2021

Company Name Company Description
Digivive Services Enabling businesses to monetize their video content by providing them their own white-label OTT platform
M2MIT Digital Offering services mainly in the areas of Smart Home Automation, IoT-based Security Solutions, OCT Meintenance, OTT Content Aggregation & Distribution, and more
ONEOTT iNTERTAINMENT Integrating technology to offer excellent entertainment services through their own online platforms
OTT Solutions A provider of premium content services in the digital space across East Indian, North India and Bangladesh regions
Phando Offers end-to-end OTT platform solutions, right from deploying, hosting and managing your IT Infrastructure to complete VOD software solutions
RGB Broadcasting Equipments A specialist in the areas of Consulting & Development, System Integration, Production, Services & Support, OTT Solutions and more
Skie TV A comprehensive and advanced Integrated Video delivery Platform that has combined the IPTV and OTT solution on a single controlled STB
TotalVDO Solution Offering Mobile Apps Development, Apps for Streaming (Video & Audio on Demand and Live) and OTT Apps Development & Support services
United Media Works Uses its expertise to help its clients by providing software solutions and consultation on how to build their own OTT platforms correctly
Vgosh Info Specializes in Mobile App Development, Digital Marketing, Analytics-As-A-Service, OTT Solutions, Offshore Development, and more