Digital technology has opened up a whole new world of B2B lead generation channels for organizations as a consequence of which companies are constantly searching for new client prospects that can benefit from their services. However, not all tools are as effective and efficient at delivering quality leads, which has resulted in proving lead generation to be one of the most critical and challenging B2B pursuits.
Access1solution develops content that is relevant and informative on Google as well as on other social media sites.
Case in point being a company that was into online supplements sales and was confronted with the problem of generating leads. The project was finally undertaken by Access1solution, based in Bangalore that offers SEO services & social media marketing for branding and lead generation resulting in ROI.
Access1solution targeted "social media likes" of individuals based on brands where the engagement rate was raised by 60 percent and reduced the CPC by 70 percent. Similarly, Access1solution crafts email marketing campaigns to engage in a dialogue directly with users and motivate them to use client's services.
The targeted, personalized and analytics driven campaigns enable customers with continuous feedback regarding the strategies that are working or that need enhancement. While keeping in mind to divert the user to the landing page or website and lead them to action button, the company designs ads for maximum results based on A/B testing, also called split testing, where two web pages are compared for better performance.

Additionally, Access1solution helps brands to get positioned based on the geography and interests of end customers. With real time tracking ability, the organization ensures that the PPC (Pay per Click) campaign stays productive by keeping a record of the keywords that the ads carry in traffic with a high conversion rate. "We engage our website visitors by providing high quality content with videos, info-graphics, images, ppt and social media posts which are being used on different targeted platforms", Nagaraj Kuchangi, Director, Access1solution .
Content Marketing across Platforms
Emphasizing on the importance of Content marketing, Access1solution develops content that is relevant and informative on Google as well as on other social media sites. The service also provides the option of different formats and native content for each social media platform to get the maximum reach and minimum CPC. Furthermore, the SEO services of Access1solution utilize online marketing avenues in the best manner to bring together optimum enhancements to client's content.
Foreseeing growing demands of Digital Marketing, Access1solution ventures to develop leading edge tools such as Keyword research, Back Link Analysis and Facebook Analytics to name a few to evolve as a leading digital marketing agency in the coming years.
Access1solution strives to understand the unique business needs and help business to grow with highly personalized Websites, brilliant Mobile Apps, online campaigns powered by smart email marketing, Adwords, social media, and blogs to drive in new revenue streams and make happier clients.