Business Process Control Planning

Suresh V. Menon, ERP Subject Matter Expert

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In this paper we are talking about the Monitor and Control phase of the project which comes before project closure and the application of Six Sigma.

If your project has successfully entered the Monitor and control phase you have to make sure that you maintain this stability, here are some suggested ways to protect your hard won gains.
• Policy Changes – Which corporate policies should be changed as a result of the project – to have some policies become obsolete are new policies needed
• New Standards- Have the company adopt the standard that would prevent backsliding, with the help of standards like ISO, ANSI, ASTM etc. 
• Modify procedures- Procedures describe the way things are supposed to be done, since the project produced better results we can find the best suited procedure which has resulted in better modification or change.
• Change Manufacturing Planning-An organization’s manufacturing plan describes in detail how a product is to be processed and produced. Often the Six Sigma team will discover a better way of doing things.
• Modify training- Personnel need to become familiar with the new way of doing things. Be sure all employees are retrained by evaluating the existing training materials 
Tools and techniques useful for Control Planning
• Project Planning-Many of the six sigma tools and techniques used during the define, measure, analyze and improve phases can also be used to develop a control plan.
• Force Field diagram- A force Field diagram can be very useful at this point. Show the Forces that will push to undo the changes and create counter forces that will maintain them.

Preparing the Process Control Plan
Process Control plan should be prepared for each key process. The plans should be prepared by teams of people who understand the process. The team should begin with creating a flow chart of the process using the process elements. The flow chart will show how the process elements relate to each other which will help in the selection of control point. It will also show the point of delivery to the customer which is usually an important control point.

Process Audits
The requirement for all processes should be documented. A process audit checklist should be prepared and used to determine the condition of the process prior to production. Please refer to my article titled as "Audit report in ABC Company" for further details.

Finally to Conclude in the Monitor and Control Phase we can apply Six Sigma Concepts and also Project Management Methodologies as Defined in PMBOK but it is ideal to apply. Six Sigma Concepts to Control/Verify Phase, focussing on quality assurance of the end product and the quality of the software or a manufactured item making it fit for any manufacturing company.