Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division today reports its strategic agreement with
technology company Microsoft, which plans to reclassify how engineers team up and empower the discrete assembling industry to enhance quicker, with more certainty, and with new arrangements that join information from virtual engineering cycles with true estimation of manufactured items. The coordinated effort will offer arrangements that utilization present day cloud foundation to interface assembling and engineering frameworks.
The partnership aims to use digital twins to speed up product innovation and transform collaboration throughout the manufacturing value chain. The open-source Fluid Framework and Azure Fluid Relay service, developed and scaled by Microsoft and Hexagon, enable the real-time sharing of data across a variety of manufacturing industry processes and systems. This makes data created in one system immediately accessible to any other person or machine operating in another.
Under the new agreement, the Microsoft 365 environment will plug into this information layer, empowering customers to interface their everyday office archives and cycles with manufacturing tools. This allows teams to experiment with the tools they already have. For instance, a CAM programmer could easily share tooling cost data from an Excel worksheet with a tooling coster, making it easier for both roles to work together and make decisions.
Stephen Graham, EVP and General Manager Nexus at Hexagon said: "At Hexagon, we're on a mission to empower the workforce by presenting them with the best available information as soon as possible and helping them to close the gap between their optimal-performance virtual designs and the physical products that they manufacture. We have achieved a huge amount with Microsoft in a few short months by collaborating closely and applying their best
cloud technologies to unlock new ways of collaborating and sharing data.