Modern day companies need insights into markets, customers and their own internal processes to stay ahead of competition and to deliver sustainable business performance. Analytics has the potential to identify such value-driven opportunities which could bring in better productivity, improved decision making, and competitive advantage. SAP Analytics is one such suite of front-end applications that offers a comprehensive – yet simple – integrated platform that helps unlock the real value in data for smarter decision making, meeting both business and financial requirements.In short, it helps view, sort and analyse data; ultimately empowering enterprises take accurate decisions.
Pune’s Inteliment Technologies is an SAP Business Partner since 2004 whose focus lies in Business Analytics. With a decade-long proven track record, Inteliment has successfully delivered more than 125 projects globally, across diverse industry domains. The company’s unique approach to Business Intelligence and Analytics Technologies gives High-power Business users the insight they need.
One such innovation would be, Integrated Delivery Approach designed for Fixed-Scope, Risk-Free implementations that are built to address specific business needs. Based on this revolutionary model, Inteliment has built Navigator Analytics Accelerator which enables SAP customers to quickly and affordably adopt analytics technology for specific business requirements at a low service-to-software ratio. Navigator Analytics is a SAP Certified, Plug-n-Play Rapid Deployment Solution that encapsulates Pre-built Data Models, KPI Libraries, Rule Engines, Dashboards and Scorecards, providing ‘actionable insights’ thus reducing cycle time. Navigator is a fully customizable, secure and scalable solution that can be easily ported on SAP ERP. Navigator Analytics enables faster adoption of the BI tool by up to 60 percent as compared to industry standard meaning quicker ROI! Inteliment has done several such successful implementations of SAP Business Analytics and Navigator Accelerator which has helped customers
enjoy BI benefits faster. One of the several such implementations was for one of India’s largest auto component manufacturers that was seeking a real-time analytics solution for its key management as well as mid-level staff. The project involved data integration and automation of Self-service analytics on mobile devices for Management, Sales, Finance, Production and Materials. Inteliment successfully delivered the project expected business outcomes to the customer. It led to 10 percent savings on inventory costs with automated material consumption reports, significant reduction in machine hour loss, less discrepancies in vendor payments reduced and up to 18 percent reduction of inventory days.
Inteliment has built Navigator Analytics Accelerator which enables SAP customers to quickly and affordably adopt analytics technology for specific business requirements
Talking about its other achievements—Intelimen is the first Indian IT-SME to be the awarded EFQM Business Excellence Award by CII and EXIM Bank of India. Prashant Pansare, CEO, Inteliment Technologies, proudly goes on “We are experts at implementing solutions that help organizations put day-to-day performance information in the hands of key decision makers. Simply put, Inteliment’s key differentiation is in its Passion, People and Processes.”
Leveraging on its 12 years+ experience, Inteliment has set-up ‘Inteli-Labs’ and has also ventured into product incubation. Apart from its current focus on Big Data and Analytics, Inteliment is further building its capabilities and solutions in Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Development (Enterprise Apps, Crowd Sourcing) and Cloud Solutions with its own product offerings. Inteli-Labs has partnered with leading technology vendors like – SAP, IBM, Cisco, Google, Apple to build solutions on and for Mobile Devices, Sensors, M2M etc., paving the road for greater success.