Electro-Mech Enterprises: Helping Recruit Industry Ready SAP Professionals
Electro-Mech Enterprises: Helping Recruit Industry Ready SAP Professionals
In order to fill the gaps of vacant seats of SAP professionals, enterprises usually hire candidates from universities and colleges. However, fresh candidates lack knowledge in ERP SAP. As a result, enterprises tend to spend more time and money in providing SAP training. To help relieve the burden of training candidates, Kerala based Electro-Mech Enterprises plays a role in training college and university students, with an aim to eventually provide skilled and trained SAP professionals. “We help industries and companies in recruiting certified and trained SAP resources directly from the college so that they do not have to worry about taking untrained professionals,” explains A.K Sahad, Managing Director of Electro-Mech Enterprises. He further briefs that Industries should start looking for SAP Education partnered colleges /Universities and SAP certified students rather than hiring fresh candidates and training them on SAP skill sets. “We are helping the industry to get the industry ready people. There is enough availability of trained and certified students, so there is no need of hiring freshers,” he adds.
Also, with an increase in adoption rate of SAP Solutions among organizations, the requirement for professionals with SAP-skills would undoubtedly surge. However, A.K Sahad, Managing Director of Electro-Mech Enterprises opines that there is still a gap of skilled SAP professionals and most of the Indian higher education institutes and education providers have been unable to unleash the potential of SAP. To address the loopholes, this Kochi based Electro-Mech Enterprises leverages SAP learning portal to help professionals and students.
Sahad believes that if the decline rate of SAP experts continues, India could miss out on the competitive edge that it holds in terms of producing skilled resources. He adds that SAP certified professionals are one of the highest paid in the industry and have higher option to get employability especially in Europe, the USA, Middle East, India and China. To fill the shortage of SAP professionals, Electro-Mech uses SAP’s learning portal and provides students with access to comprehensive range of content. “Electro-Mech Enterprises has entered into training the universities and colleges. We are also into SAP consulting & implementation projects where we found a shortage in the SAP skilled professionals and hence we decided to develop a SAP skilled resource pool by giving training in the university/ Colleges,” says Sahad. He further adds that SAP learning hub is the right solution for students as well as the professionals, which enables them to understand the business process and it gives them unlimited access to 460 titles of SAP modules.
Electro-Mech Enterprises leverages SAP learning portal to help professionals and students
With a wide range of high quality content and optional live access through SAP’s portal, students can learn whatever ERP subject they are interested in. “We are in the process of training close to 5000 students in over 15 colleges/ Universities on latest SAP technologies across India,” shares Sahad.“We are passionate and want to ensure that the trained students are getting the job so that both the students and businesses are benefited. Currently the rate of people who get recruited is less than five percent. We want to make sure that within next five years, the industry hires more trained people from us,” signs off Sahad.
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