Today, enterprises make great investments in SAP ecosystem to attain optimum business capabilities. Might it then be best if such with largest feature set that extend SAP technologies and not require any upgrades or expensive hardware? This is where Silicon Valley based SmartDocs Business Solutions steps forward. SmartDocs is recognized as an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) in the SAP partner community for providing SAP certified add-ons that can be easily deployed.
“We are a pure play software company that does not concentrate on implementation services revenues. Our central objective is to provide cutting edge, feature rich software along with smallest footprint. Our mission is to help customers stream-line their business processes and manage their digital content across any module in the SAP technology landscape at the lowest TCO,” unveils Krishna Shastry, Director Sales at SmartDocs Business Solutions. The company offers a repertoire of products namely SmartDocs ECM, SmartDocs BPM, Smart Payables, iContracts, Smart Expense Management and Synapse Bot Platform.
SmartDocs suite of products help customers rapidly realize their digital transformation initiatives by providing all aspects of the digital transformation puzzle. For SAP users, SmartDocs platform facilitates a complete ECM solution with native technology integration into SAP. According to Krishna Shastry, “SmartDocs provides a whole host of features such as Document Buffer, Document Binder, Smart Record Manager, Version Management, Check-in/Check-out to name a few, that reinforce our users in managing their enterprise level content with ease”. All this can be done with upgrading SAP systems. The product offers major advantages such as ABAP based add-on with no need to install any additional software, complete infrastructure for implementing workflow processes,
complete audit trail and process control, and no impact on SAP upgrades etc.
Our mission is to help our customers streamline their business processes and manage their digital content across any module in the SAP technology land scape at the lowest TCO
Furthermore, SmartDocs of Smart Store, a SAP certified content repository. Smart Store gets connected to a customer’s SAP landscape through Archive Link Interface. “Smart Store can be installed as a cloud application either on a Google Cloud Platform or an Amazon Cloud, where in whatever documents that are being attached to SAP business objects can be stored outside SAP in the respective cloud platforms, there by zero installation is required on the customers system landscape,” indicates Krishna Shastry.
SmartDocs Synapse Bot Platform allows customers to rapidly deploy conversational Chat bots to both their internal employees as well as external business partners (Suppliers, Customer etc.). Without opening up their internal core systems like SAP ERP, customers can expose limited aspects of business information to chat users. A simple example of this is for companies to allow their vendors to check the status of their invoices just by chatting with an Accounting Bot which provides the pertinent information without the need of a member of Accounts Payables team investigating.
The product roadmap published by SmartDocs product management includes several new business solutions and new major releases of the ECM and BPM platforms that will help SAP customers to achieve digital transformation now.