Large enterprises work with IT consultants who add value for them by assessing their business needs and helping them adopt new technologies. However, Indian SMEs do not have the time, skills or resources to evaluate and adopt these new technologies. Since they are not familiar with new products and technologies, there is a huge effort and cost required in educating and preparing them to buy new technologies and adapt to them. This is where good IT partners can assist SMEs to understand, acquire and adapt to the new technologies available. Headquartered in Mumbai, Software@Work (India) specifically caters to SMEs and assists companies to automate various processes ranging from ERP, CRM, BI and Tally solutions.
Most of the ERP offerings available today are not successful as they are expensive and not suitable for Indian audience. Keeping this in mind, Software@Work offers a full suite of services on Tally.ERP 9, including Training, Support, Customization and Integration. The company offers end to end solutions and customization in Tally as per client's business needs. The company has experimented with various ERP softwares in the past but came to the conclusion that Tally is best suited to the Indian requirement. "We make optimal use of the functionality available in Tally.ERP 9 either as a standalone solution or as part of a larger solution. Due to our experience with varied customers, we have been able to offer solutions on Tally.ERP 9 beyond the realm of basic accounting and part of a bigger solution," elaborates CA Vikram Seth, CEO, Software@work. To make their customers GST Ready, the company has been engaging and educating their customers on GST and its implications since Jan 2017. At present, some of their services include Self learning videos, Free Webinars, Tally GST workshops and more.
Through its software consultancy services, Software@Work helps businesses choose the right software. The company follows a diagnostic mode to provide consultancy services and they suggest softwares only after understanding the challenges encountered by the customers. Instead of customizing single software, the company uses multiple softwares if the client has multiple requirements.
Due to our experience with varied customers, we have been able to offer solutions on Tally.ERP 9 beyond the realm of basic accounting and part of a bigger solution
Software@Work also has an online service called SoftwareHunt through which they assist customers in evaluating their changing business needs and help them adopt the most ideal business software for their organization. As SMEs don't have enough time to evaluate all the available options or document the challenges of each software before implementing, SoftwareHunt assists them in defining their needs and helps them find the right software application. The company provides this service for free and only charges if the problems are complex and need a requirement study to be done.
What differentiates Software@ Work is that they focus on customer satisfaction and solving customer problems rather than sales. Moving forward, the company is looking to focus on helping SMEs leverage best business software technologies that have started emerging from within India and abroad. It also sees a huge opportunity in enabling organizations to move into the next phase of automation in areas like ERP, CRM, SFA, HRMS etc.