20 Most Promising VMware Solution Providers - 2019

20 Most Promising VMware Solution Providers - 2019

VMware has gained a strong foothold in the virtualiza­tion space. Switching to a virtualized IT environment by leveraging the services provided by VMware can prove to be quite beneficial. It facilitates customers with re­duced spending, easier backup and disaster recovery, better business continuity, faster deployment of a new test platform and far more efficient IT operations. While it may provide a whole host of advantages, deploying VMware solutions is said to have a steep learning curve as most in-house teams within organizations lack the skill to navigate through the complexi­ties of implementation and maintenance. This challenge can be addressed by outsourcing the virtualization process to a Managed IT service provider. Recognizing this as a market with great potential, vendors have joined forces with VMware to offer the aforementioned services. However, selecting a suit­able VMware solution provider for consulting, implementa­tion and support from a pool of vendors where only some pos­sess the required skill to meet the clients demands can be a daunting task.

Assisting organizations to select the right vendor to work with, CIOReviewIndia comes to the fore with its compact list of “20 Most Promising VMware Solution Providers”. The companies listed out have the full support of VMware clubbed with their own industry-rich experience, a proven track record and tech­nically adept teams that possess the ability to carry out each project successfully. An advisory board comprising of well-known CEOs, CIOs, industry analysts and CIOReviewIndia editorial team have conducted a deep market research and handpicked the solution providers who we strongly believe possess the capability to assist organizations achieve their business goals.

We present to you CIOTechOutlook 20 Most Promising VMware Solution Providers - 2019.

Top VMware Solution Providers -

Cover Story
Company Name Company Description
Sunfire Technologies Provider of an end to end portfolio of virtualization solutions across the IT infrastructure space
Company Name Company Description
Agray Infosolutions Pvt Ltd Provider of network solution with server and application virtualization
Alliance Pro Provides licensing and cloud solutions
Allot System Integration Pvt. Ltd. Provider of complete suite of customized integration solutions
COMPAREX India Provides cloud migration, licensing and technology solutions
Frontier Business Systems Provides IT infrastructure services
Kemp Technologies Provides Virtual desktop infrastructure solutions
Marlabs Provides salesforce, artificial intelligence, Cyber security and automation solutions
NetApp Provides hybrid cloud data services and solutions
NxtGen Datacenter Technologies Provides IT platform as a service providing data-center and enterprise cloud services to businesses
Progression Infonet Provides server virtualization solution, builds private cloud and offers public cloud computing services for business critical applications
SHRO Systems Provides VMware solutions on virtualization and cloud computing
SoftwareOne Provides technology services to customers looking to transition to the modern era of IT infrastructure
Sujata Computers Provides installation and configuration services for VMware solutions
Sungard Availability Services Provides IT services, information availabilitty consulting services and business continuity management software
Swan Solutions Provides virtualization with advance solutions
System Needs Provider of best-fit solutions through the data virtualization products
Technology Excellence Group Supplies and implements VMware range of OS and Virtualisation software
Veeam Software Provides backup solutions that enables Intelligent Data Management
Wysetek Intranet Provides virualization and cloud infrastructure solutions