Array Networks Inc - Building compliance solutions to solve myriad of Business Complexities
Enterprises today are seeking solutions for the challenges being posed by various regulations. Industries have been witnessing several new trends in the last few years in the ways compliance is doled out. A few threats and hazards prevail in the evolving digital environment as the computing power increases and access methods are pressing forward in the market where regulatory compliance is sought. IT costs in organizations are huge and are spent on complying with regulatory requirements. This directly or indirectly amounts to a huge potential for optimization and cost savings. Array Networks, headquartered in California and certified with RSA envision provides solutions to simplify compliance, enhance security and risk mitigation and optimize IT and network operations.
Many organizations still lack adequate disaster recovery (DR) protection for their applications. "For a customer moving into cloud one of the most critical concerns is security and high availability. Array remote gateway solution helps organizations to access applications or desktops securely from any device, anytime, anywhere. Array ADC ensures customers are not accessing critical resources directly by acting as a reverse proxy over SSL encryption"-says Shibu Paul,Regional Sales Director India,ME and SEA at Array Networks. Array's Solutions possess machine based authentication where users are locked to a machine while accessing critical applications.
The Key for Success
Today, compliance solutions command flexibility to global, regional and local requirements.
Array Network imparts knowledge to the customers related to compliance issue which can aid in getting relevant solutions. Array has got a local support team and repair service in India, which addresses customer inquiries 24X7. "We have a super-efficient local RMA and repair service. This has ensured us to give uptimes of more than 1000+ days to our critical customers"- adds Shibu Paul.
Array Networks is certified with RSA envision provides solutions to simplify compliance, enhance security and risk mitigation and optimize IT and network operations
Some of the major flagship solutions catered by Array are GSLB, Reverse proxy solution which denies users direct access to the servers and IPV6 gateway to pull off IPV6 compliance. Array's regulatory compliance has high availability of applications, DC-DR replications and denial of service attacks .
Future Roadmap
Array has been witnessing a high two digit growth over the last three years and expects to cut the mustard and indulge in operational excellence and market opportunity. The company contrives to cash in on infrastructure and internet banking availability together with performance. With a team of skilled professionals in its arsenal, Array Networks relentlessly works to deliver quality and continues to thrive in the epoch of competition.
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