Modern day businesses are facing increasingly complex and ambiguous situations in their everyday governance process. Rise of digital business, significantly expanding threat surface and an increasingly changing regulatory environment have led security leaders to follow a holistic and comprehensive approach towards building their cybersecurity strategy. It is imperative to evolve from traditional compliance-aware to risk-aware governance solutions that improve the security posture of organizations.
SDG Corporation, a global cybersecurity, identity governance, risk consulting and advisory firm leverages its flagship product TruOpsTM Integrated Risk Management solution to empower businesses to achieve simplification, automation and integration of strategic, operational and IT risk management processes and data, and transform their GRC system with integrated risk management. “An organization’s GRC investment should address the most significant business risks and bolster their cybersecurity initiatives with a shared understanding of their assets, threats, and vulnerabilities” says Ajay Gupta, Founder & CEO of SDG Corporation.
Organizations today continue to encounter challenges such as continued expansion of regulations/standards, emerging technologies, limited view of breaches – metrics – reports – dashboards, siloed business units, among others. Ajay highlights, “The Focus has shifted from Monitoring Compliance to Preventing Non-Compliance.” Business leaders need access to deep insights and analytics in order to make cyber security decision, implementing controls and deciding on IT investments, finally driving to build the organization’s cyber resilience.
TruOpsTM IRM solution empowers business leaders to leverage deep insights and provide a holistic understanding of their organization’s threat surface. It does so by providing powerful dashboards and metrics along with the option of custom reporting which provides reports not only for IT teams but also for internal customers to benefit from.
The organization profits with superior risk ownership, a result of better informed participants.
Another crucial challenge is that risk and security leaders are often deluged by the over-engineered products that not only have longer lifecycles, but also need equally costly managed services. “TruOpsTM IRM not only has a significantly shorter lifecycle, its targeted approach blends with business process leading to a significant reduction in cost of compliance and providing a single consolidated IRM solution across the organization. SDG’s IRM professional services shall strengthen the organization’s risk and security structure and allow them to focus on what they do best” adds Ajay.
SDG Corporation leverages its flagship product TruOpsTM Integrated Risk Management solution to empower businesses to transform their GRC system with integrated risk management
The GRC market segment is mostly made up of Advisers, Solution Providers and Service Providers. As businesses face the dynamic regulatory and threat environment, it is imperative for businesses to be advised of the right product that is implemented and managed by a service provider. It is unlikely to find the right combination under different roofs.
SDG Corporation leverages its unique ATM model (Advise, Transform and Manage) that provides organiza¬tion the strategic direction in risk and security; support in executing compliance, risk and security processes and procedures; and to manage successful delivery of services with an exceptional customer experience.
“This approach allows our Advisory team to understand our client’s risk, security, compliance and technology requirements and retrofit them in our products to bridge the gaps which otherwise aren’t addressed by over-engineered products that require massive IT spends and unrealistically longer lifecycles” concludes Ajay.