Selectigence HR Solutions is a Pune-based HR Consulting & Advisory firm engaged in assisting clients in leadership and organization development, digital HR solutions, managed HR services and Talent Acquisition.
Aligning employees to the company's vision, mission and values is a critical success factor in bringing about productivity gains. Guiding through this evolutionary journey of transforming the Human Capital Function, Pune based consulting and advisory firm, Selectigence, helps the Human Capital Function to take a leap from a service delivery role to a strategic enabler of business. It has the deep domain expertise, consulting capability, a businessman's hands-on approach to solving business problems to accelerate business outcomes and innovative solutions to assist organizations in their HCM transformation journey. Custom designed Leadership and OD interventions help customers increase agility, improve leadership skills, enhance employee engagement and build high performing teams to win in their marketplace.
Digital HR is the Way to Go
Selectigence took the lead in promoting the cause of Digital HR and has been in the forefront in encouraging their clients to leverage social media as well as automating as many people processes as possible. Selectigence is a reseller and an implementation partner of several enterprise class point solutions such as the Ramco Systems HCM package, Synergita Performance Management point solution, OfficeWorks OrgChart Pro, LMS365 Learning Management System amongst others.
As a preferred Ramco HCM Partner, Selectigence has assisted several clients in digitizing their Human Capital Function. Their Managed HR Services portfolio covers the complete employee life cycle from Hire to Retire and is delivered on the Ramco HCM Platform. OrgChart Pro automates organization charts and enables decision making.
The tool has high quality visualization capability and provides the CEO's and CXO's with excellent workforce analytics helping them take informed decisions providing them with a bird's eye view of their entire organization. Selectigence also partners with LMS365 which is based on Office 365 and uses the same to create courses for any user group or role.
Leveraging Digital HR"“A predestined initiative
Additionally, Selectigence is building its own suite of adjacency products to resolve business problems not addressed by the products of their Principals. The firm is frequently called upon to suggest automation tools and to provide inputs into framing social media policies.
The OnboardNext is one such tool developed by Selectigence to address the Onboarding needs of fast growing companies. It makes employee joining process much friendlier and easier, cutting out the typically long documentation after joining with online document authentication. It also has the capability to perform Aadhar authentication.
Selectigence has assisted
several clients in
digitizing their Human
Capital Function
Aligning employees to the company's vision, mission and values, Selectigence has created a digital HR Manual called the Culture Book. It helps cascade the company culture down and across the organization and is especially handy while inducting new employees into organizations. Once an employee logs into the Culture Book they get have taken on a highly interactive tour of the organization and are exposed to all company information that is so essential for a new hire. At the end of every section, the employees take a small quiz to ensure they have understood the messaging. These initiatives and other solutions of Selectigence carry a backward-looking annual process to a forward looking and transparent development of people. Along with cost-effective solutions, Selectigence is leveraging Digital HR solutions, thereby making it a predestined initiative of the future.