Rock Interview: Providing AI based Platform for Personalized Mentoring of Job Seekers

Prasad Ghorakavi, Managing Director

Many a times it happens with job seeking candidates that their CVs pass through a rigorous profiling before getting selected for the job applied, matching all the required skills and experience, but somehow the candidate flunks the interview and couldn't make it to the desired job. So what lacks in the abilities of the candidate when the resume meets the qualification required for the stated job?The answer lies in the realization that recruiting suitable candidate goes beyond evaluating CV;each aspect of the interview process is equally significant and needs adequate preparedness on part of the candidate to successfully land a job. In the current job market there are many recruiting firms who are in the race of profiling right resumes for right jobs; whereas the need of the time is to put the focus on the candidates and mentor them right. They stand in the need of guidance which could help them prepare and ace the interviews for the jobs they seek.

Providing such benefits to the candidates, Rock Interview acting as one stop solution provider is catering to the needs of job seekers, bringing the best in the candidate to fit the complete requirements of the current needs of the job market, thereby also benefiting the whole recruitment industry at large. The company provides data driven and mobile based platform for Training, Mentoring and peer to peer Assessment for job seekers.
AI Generated 360 Degree View of Candidature
It is imperative to generate the complete picture of the job seeker's candidature to provide them with the right assistance. The company applies its Artificial Intelligence on the data being generated from the profile, resume, and enterprise's needs to get the 360 degree view of candidates. After this the whole journey of guiding and training begins, which would continue throughout the career progression of the candidate.

"We evaluate the candidate based on three major points: Overall Technical skills, Project / claimed skills in the profile and Communications skills. We enhance their skills and fine tune it with the current industry needs"

Personalized Guidance and Training
The company provides for Mock Interview, mentoring candidates to rectify their mistakes and face interviews with confidence. The candidates are provided with expert guidance and customized training tailored for them by industry experienced professionals. As the needs of each candidate vary based on their respective field and specific requirement, Rock Interview's platform provides personalization at individual level for each job seeking candidate like, the mentors record and playback the AV files of each candidate from the mock interview to help the candidate get the nuances of the communication skills. Talking about the services being providedto the job seeking candidates by the company, Managing Director, Prasad Ghorakavi says, "We evaluate the candidate based on three major points: Overall Technical skills, Project / claimed skills in the profile and Communications skills. We enhance their skills and fine tune it with the current industry needs." After providing the rigorous expert training the company also does re-assessment to check where the candidate stands after training.

The company's leadership possesses a solid knowledge in education and technology and envisions taking the company ahead on tech space, developing interesting projects for enterprises and colleges.