Data has managed to capture the attention of enterprises as it plays a massive role in business transformation and operational efficiency improvements. However, the synchronization of sales and supply chain teams poses a challenge. This challenge is further compounded by the level of difficulty in attaining granular data from these silos to formulate unified and accurate insights into the whole customer experience.
"Most organizations struggle with getting data which is detailed in nature and they don't get it quickly enough," opines Thanmaya Bekkalale, Co-Founder at School of Fish Technologies. He further explains how data according to him is divided into two perspectives, one is the depth of the data, i.e., how granular is the data and second is how quickly one gets that data, in order to aggregate it and derive useful insights from it. Forging a strong and direct link between two ends of the value chain which are the company/manufacturer and retailer, is Bangalore headquartered School of Fish Technologies with its flagship product Scheme. The retailer engagement platform, robust in nature, has been designed and developed for ease of data collection and ensures that the turnaround for the data is as real-time as it can get.
"We are providing a technology platform for our customers to engage with their sales channel. There is no other company which is offering this. Most solution providers are offering basic ordering app and are involved in the actual supply and logistics, thereby upsetting the existing distributors.
We enable only the official supply chain of the company, thereby ensuring the retailers get connected to one source and not get confused by multiple-offers, like in a market-place model," elaborates Thanmaya on how his offering differentiates itself from other products catering to the same market.
Leveraging open source and cloud-based technologies the solution is highly scalable and equipped to switch to newer and better technologies as and when they are launched in the market. "School of Fish does not sell licenses; we have modeled our offering as SaaS-based. This way we are continually engaged with our customers and keep them up-to-date with technology," adds Thanmaya.
The innovative and secure product offers a plethora of features - present outstanding to the retailer, push relevant schemes/promotions to retailer, order placement by the retailer, routing of an order to a distributor for servicing and payments through UPI are some of its key features. It is enabled with a feedback mechanism from the retailer that potentially propels significant improvement in the business operation. In addition to this, it displays loyalty points/targets/achievements that form a trust-based relationship between the company and its customers. Furthermore, it offers a cloud-based console for FMCG company schemes/promotions and order. The retailers are assured that they are seamlessly connected to the company, and are offered the best price and support from the company.
The company envisions continuing to embody advancing technologies and achieve the leadership position in this domain and strive to become the most sought-after platform for sales and distribution in India, covering the entire value-chain from the manufacturer, distributor, retailer and finally to the consumer.