In today's customer-driven industry, it has become crucial for any business, irrespective of its size to devise
innovative and tech-driven marketing strategies to adapt to the changing behaviour of the customers. As the digital and social platforms are evolving rapidly, disrupting the conventional models; designing marketing strategies that are in line with latest market trends is often a challenging task for marketing teams. Most of the marketing strategies fail to drive revenues for the businesses owing to the ambiguity in evaluating the market trends and analyzing the customer behaviour patterns. Effective social media campaigns play a major role in increasing the brand awareness for businesses. However, the social media campaigns have very little to do with monitoring of the online platforms; the follow-up activities of monitoring and collecting data determine the efficiency of a successful marketing strategy.
In-line with Market Trends
Clearly understanding the scenario,
QuickMetrix comes into the picture by helping companies address the marketing challenges by providing a comprehensive suite of marketing solutions to enable businesses to develop better marketing strategies. The company provides solutions for Online Reputation Management, Campaign Insights, Crisis Management and Influencer Management to help companies build their brand awareness and increase their revenue by winning over the influencers who are an integral part of online campaigns. "We primarily focus on three important areas of marketing i.e. Customer Experience, Analytics Insights, and Social CRM. With our Customer Experience solutions, we help our clients address customer service requests and issues effectively in realtime. We provide Analytics insights to help clients know about the trending and contextual things happening online, and enable them to make use of these for better communication purpose. Our Social CRM strategy helps clients
understand their potential customers better by capturing details about their habits, interests to address the queries or requests in a better manner," says Uday Kelleputtige, Co Founder and CEO.
Customizable Platform to Meet Varied Requirements
In this digital age, reputation management is
central for the digital marketing campaigns to acquire new customers and retain the old ones. QuickMetrix's Online Reputation Management platform enables contextual based listening and monitoring of all social media platforms, discussion forums, news portals, and app store reviews etc. helping effectively handle the customers. It also provides a seamless and unified approach for marketing teams to respond and engage with the audience in a much better way. With immense data mining and analytics capabilities, QuickMetrix helps its clients get data insights for various social platforms about customer behavior patterns to facilitate the decision making. The completely scalable and customizable solution of the company empowers its client's marketing teams to customize and create their own dashboards and generate reports based on their unique business requirements.
We primarily focus on three important areas of marketing i.e. Customer Experience, Analytics Insights, and Social CRM
AI-powered Solutions to Improve ROI
With focus on the future needs of digital analysis and digital listening, QuickMetrix is planning to launch a host of products such as AI based visual dashboards and AI based customer experience agent to help marketing teams engage with their audience in an effective manner and improve their SLAs. "Our AI-powered solutions empower the marketing professionals to connect with their customers on an emotional level by understanding them better to improve the ROI," concludes Uday Kalleputtige.