Advertising in India like in any other market across the Globe is up for disruption due to much fragmented video consumption spreading across linear and digital landscapes. There is also a clear push from brands to digitize their product and services footprints which is highlighting the need for a data driven media mix modelling across media channels. However, while digital advertising assets can be measured for their effectiveness, but in silos, mapping the same with Linear reach and frequency curves is the broken link. This is giving rise to demand from the advertisers for a single currency to measure the media effectiveness cross-screen and channels.
Significantly, Syncmedia is India's leading Ad-tech platform that allows advertisers and broadcasters to accurately measure the impact of video advertising across linear and digital landscapes on their core business KPIs and optimize their cross-media and cross-screen spends. SYNC uses sophisticated and ACR & Signal processing tech to reveal unparalleled and actionable insights optimizing spends for 100+ brands in India. TV advertising is one of the most common forms of a marketing campaign.
Since the input cost of TV advertising is quite high, Brands are always facing this constant dilemma of measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of TV campaigns. The most direct metric is the viewership of TV ads (such as impressions and reach), which provides some information on the size of the campaign audience (collected on a small sample base then extrapolated to entire TV viewers in India), still doesn't address the need to measure the impact that TV advertising has created on the business KPIs.
With the rise of OTT platforms and cross-screen video consumption the problem of measurement is only compounding for the advertisers. The platform SYNC OS for Video
advertising solves this issue by making TV campaigns being measured just like digital campaigns for their impact on brand's core business KPIs and then merging the two data to give a holistic and single view of video performance across screens and channels.
Syncmedia analyses viewers' interest in the brand (or related topics) as advertised in the TV ads, using data pints like lift in online searches & user actions like site visits, app downloads, transactions, in-store footfall that are the desired outcomes of TV ads to measure efficiency and effectiveness of TV campaigns in real time.
Syncmedia furnishes high-performance services de-signed to measure, attribute and optimize the media mix for the business goals, productivity, and media efficiency. The company provides a tool that measures cross-media impact and helps with better media planning. The tool compares incremental searches, website visits, app downloads, in-store footfalls, leads, transaction and others from TV v.s. web video ads (YouTube, Facebook) vs ads on OTT platforms (Zee5, Hotstar, etc.) to measure their effectiveness and efficiency for better media planning. The simulation studies of the organization have shown that the TV-induced incremental search volumes can be accurately estimated in most cases and optimization can result in the growth of up to 4-5x in terms of impacton the business outcomes. SYNC OS leverages.
Incidentally, the organization has developed methods to estimate how many incremental business impacts can be causally attributed to TV ad spots, based on Bayesian Structural Time Series (BSTS) models. The organization examines minute-by-minute aggregated search volume time series during a TV campaign and deploys multi-variable based regression and causal impact based algorithms to measure the incremental searches that can be attributed to each the ad spot of the campaign.
In four years, SYNC has grown to more than 100 clients and now the organization is keenly looking forward to expanding internationally in the Middle East and South-east Asia. SYNC desires to continue to serve both short and long-term clients. As a way forward, "We want to make advertising eco-system inclusive for the OEMs where the Device selling Margins are shrinking due to increased competition. OEMs can now embed SYNC ACR tech to not only collect data on cross platform viewership at scale but also leverage the same to be offer a true incremental reach to advertisers by targeting cord stackers/cutters, light TV viewers and so on, on their native platforms", concludes Anubhav Sharma, Founder & CEO, Syncmedia.