CIOReviewIndia Team | Thursday, 22 July 2021, 07:26 IST
HackerEarth, a leading solutions provider for remote developer hiring needs, today announced a new integration between its online technical recruitment tool with HackerEarth Assessment and LinkedIn Talent Hub. This integration brings the power of HackerEarth’s highly accurate coding assessments and developer screening to the only ATS built on the LinkedIn network with more than 690 million members.
Linkedin Talent Hub allows customers to source, manage, and hire via a single integrated platform. This integration with HackerEarth Assessment will layer in the ability for recruiters and hiring managers to easily screen applicants and create customized coding assessments, pulling from an extensive library of questions that cover 80+ skills and 12+ job roles - all without leaving Talent Hub.
“Competition for developers, data scientists and other tech talent is hotter than ever before,” said Sachin Gupta, CEO of HackerEarth. “Ensuring every candidate is placed in the right role based on their skills is critical to reducing employee turnover and increasing job satisfaction. This integration with LinkedIn Talent Hub hones the screening and assessment process for recruiters and hiring managers, but also ensures the most positive experience for candidates before, during and after the interview.”
When utilizing the LinkedIn Talent Hub integration feature, users will be able to:
• Schedule and invite candidates to take assessments from within Linkedin Talent Hub. Each candidate’s HackerEarth Assessment score and performance report will be synced with the Talent Hub dashboard instantly, making this data easily accessible for all team members.
• Save time by eliminating the back and forth between the LinkedIn ATS and HackerEarth’s platform. All candidate information, assessment data, status of the hiring stage, and scorecards will be accessible on the LinkedIn Talent Hub platform.
“Partnering with HackerEarth helps to further streamline the candidate hiring experience,” says Katherine Tsay, Senior Manager, Business Development at LinkedIn. “We will continue to work closely to ensure our customers can source, manage, and hire candidates all in one place.”