Reinvigorating the Recruitment Sector

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 20 July 2020, 23:34 IST

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Recruitment methodology has undergone a sweeping change lately in the wake of the advent of new technologies. With the pandemic adversely affecting the job market, technology is going to be the way out. Recruiters are adopting technology solutions with an aim of not just automating their tasks but also to become more focused on candidate experience and ensuring that the candidate fits the bill with regard to the requirements. Businesses are readily jettisoning the conventional hiring processes and embracing new technology solutions in order to save time and cost. As per a study done by Advanced, 33 percent of HR professionals are seeing the use of Artificial Intelligence within their daily working life.      

Enhancing Candidate Experience      

Candidates and other stakeholders involved in the recruitment process today expect a customer-oriented technology experience. The organizations that attract the best talent are adept at creating experiences that turn candidates into employees. Organizations that provide a great candidate experience focus on making the candidate feel valued throughout the recruitment process. This can be done through a combination of technology and personal touch points. With emerging technologies like AI, robotic process automation, and machine learning, hiring top talent can become easier and more effective for organizations to gain a huge advantage over competitors. 

“Powered by the new wave of technologies such as Automation, Digitisation, ML and AI, the HR industry has developed efficient and data-driven operations solutions with predictable ROIs, an indication of the graduation of the role of the HR from an administrative and compliance department to key decision and impact maker,” says Ajay Trehan, Founder & CEO, AuthBridge Research Services.  

Automation for Obviation of Mundane Tasks       

Automation can now take some of the copious manual activities off of human recruiters' plates. Automated tools can now source candidates, administer assessments, schedule interviews and provide regular updates to candidates throughout the process. It is a great way to reduce effort on both sides of the recruitment equation. However, there is a lack of readiness among some enterprises when it comes to implementing plans to leverage emerging recruiting technologies and they are bound to get left behind their competitors unless they rethink their strategy. Hence, the onus of bringing them along is on the solution providers in the recruiting space who are making it easy for such enterprises to implement new technologies.  

Having automated the process, recruiters need to focus on hiring the best talent. In order to do that, they must utilize new technologies to make a well-informed decision and minimize the chances of making a bad hire.