Analysed: AI-based Virtual Recruitment Platform for Multi-dimensional Assessment

CIO Vendor Technology has largely simplified the recruitment process by automating the mundane tasks, saving a lot of time for recruiters and money for business owners. However, hiring the right kind of talent with required skill set has always been the most challenging task for recruiters owing to their conventional approach in assessing the candidates, eventually resulting in poor talent acquisition. Integrating cognitive capabilities within the recruitment platforms is proving to be significant in helping recruiters with multidimensional assessment of the candidates. Hence, recruiters are looking for a reliable technology partner who can help them in the talent acquisition and recruitment process.

Bridging the Gap between Education and Corporate Requirements
Clearly understanding the scenario, Analysed, a Noida headquartered company has come to the rescue of recruiters by delivering an AI based virtual recruitment platform that allows them to perform both psychometric and technical assessment of the candidates. The platform not only helps recruiters with multidimensional assessment but also provides job seekers with better opportunities along with much required feedbacks about their performance, thereby bridging the gap between education and corporate requirements. "Among all administrative functions, the process of recruitment is considered the most critical for any enterprise. With ever increasing number of job seekers, the process of hiring is becoming more complex year by year. Our recruitment platform enables recruiters to automate the repetitive processes and also provides advanced tools to analyse and evaluate complete skill set of the candidates including the personality, emotional intelligence and other vital behavioral aspects,"
informs Vivek Vadrevu, Founder and CEO, Analysed. Unlike other peers in the market who largely rely on online assessments for technical evaluation of the candidates, Analysed by using artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies empowers recruiters to make job seekers perform during the assessment of the tasks that they are supposed to perform in their job.

The platform provides recruiters with complete analytics related to the candidate data and helps them in decision making

End-to-end Assistance in the Recruitment Process
Integrated chat-bots of the platform helps reduce the burden of recruiters and increase the conversion rates by interacting with candidates. The platform provides recruiters with complete analytics related to the candidate data and helps them in decision making. The platform by providing feedback to the candidates after the assessment helps them concentrate on the areas of improvement. This helps companies maintain reputation in the market and among the candidates, enticing them to reach out to the same company in future. "We undertake every task of the recruitment process right from notifying the jobs to interacting with candidates till they come to the interview for the actual assessment, enabling ease of operations for recruiters by simplifying the entire process to bring in more efficiency," affirms Vivek.

Currently, the company is planning to increase its customer base by reaching out to businesses in the Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities across the country. The company is also reaching out to some of the colleges in the country with an objective to provide students in the colleges with better job opportunities.