Zed Axis Technologies: Ensuring Quick Roi Through Robust and Real Time Sales Services

Zed Axis Technologies: Ensuring Quick Roi Through Robust and Real Time Sales Services

CIO Vendor Achieving maximum sales in today's competitive business environment requires scrupulous study of ongoing market trends and preparedness for predictable shifts. Hence, it becomes imperative for a sales organization to keep an eagle eye on what is selling, how much of it is selling and at what speed and at each level in the channel be it Distributor, Dealer or Retailer on a real time basis? However, these crucial inputs and data are not readily available in a consolidated and statistically synthesized way for Business teams to extract an insight. Zed Axis Technologies has developed a solution addressing the needs of Sales and Service. In its ten years of experience in this segment, the company has delivered its services of designing, developing, deploying and maintaining end-to-end Business Critical Software Solutions for companies ranging from Start-ups to Fortune 500.
Zed Axis Technologies, ISO 9001:2008 Certified, is a Microsoft Partner with certified competencies in the field of Custom Software Development, Business Intelligence, Mobility

The company's Salesforce solution is cost effective and generates real-time market information for the clients. Commenting on the services offered by the company in the competitive domain of Salesforce solutions, Bhanu Ssavant, Founder-Director, Zed Axis Technologies says, "With our domain experience, we have helped clients achieve robust and zero error sales with ease and speed of deployment, enabling integration with primary sales system and quick return on investment." Zed Axis Technologies has added mobility solutions, enhanced analytics and is currently working on Managment Dashboards. Bhanu believes these timely increments in distinct spheres which has set Zed-Axis apart from the competition.
With a 360O approach, the customer of Zed- Axis can manage his Sales, Service, Billing, Asset Tracking, Scheme Management, Customer CRM, all through one solution provider. Integrating with various software providers and ensuring compatibility and data sanctity is no more a headache for the customers. Owing to Zed-Mobility Mobile Apps, engineered for managing sales force, the sales team can now gather all relevant information and derive insights, improving their productivity, visibility of their business, thus assisting in strategizing and pushing forth the targets for each day.

The company has gradually developed its products for sales and services with an aim at delivering feature rich, stable and robust products that can add to the delight of the customers. Further, Zed Axis manages customisation requirements of clients to match compatibility across different verticals and device platforms.Bhanu reiterates about product compatibility saying, "Be it a mobile, battery, small appliances, consumer durable business or FMCG business, our product design is compatible with all."


Talking further about the differentiation the company has achieved, Bhanu mentions, "We have our own DMS system which can be seamlessly integrated with Tally/ Busy or SAP Business One or any other ERP system. We can have multiple users logged in at any time ensuring that it works seamlessly with DMS, be it a TSM App, ISD App or a Retailer App." Zed Axis Technology has gained industry expertise delivering services for multiple leading brands both in India as well as internationally. The company has put equal emphasis on delivering its sales solutions and services for MSMEs along with multinational corporations. The company proposes an upcoming project of launching its solutions as SaaS products for customers seeking economical and scalable benefits at a reasonable cost.

Zed Axis provides last-mile connectivity through its Retailer App, TSM and ISD App. Retailer Application provides information and visibility of plans, payments and bills. Information and updates from distributors, stocks and sales are available on this app. The application also provides data trends of last three months' sales and current month's PSI, thus enabling easier and efficient decision making for retailers and company representatives.

TSM App assists frontline sales team member or FOS teams with planning the beat and offering updates of the dealer's business at all times, so that the sales person can strategize on the selling techniques. The application also helps placing/recommending orders on behalf of the dealer. The marketing department can establish continuous line of communication among sales members via push notifications. It can trace productivity of TSM, enabling Supervisory team leaders to deploy corrective measures in time. Similarly, the ISD App is for In-shop Demonstrators, enabling visibility of third party manpower for monitoring as well as training them on the right language and content.

The company aims at continuously improving its products and services in line with current technological developments. These days, Zed Axis Technologies is now working on predictive analysis using AI to help clients extract trends in their business space, based on the huge data repository which the client owns through this DMS system.