3P Technologies - Making Your Supply Chain Your Strategic Weapon

CIO Vendor Technavio's research analyst predicts the global supply chain management market to grow steadily at a CAGR of estimated 11 percent during 2016-2020. The market is driven by factors such as supply chain visibility and the demand for greater transparency across orders, inventory, and shipment. Based in the silicon valley of India, is 3P Technologies, a high-end technology product start-up in this segment, whose core strength lies in bringing visibility in secondary sales, i.e. between the distributors and retailers and tertiary sales, i.e. between retailer and consumer and going downstream to the grass root level, "the influencers". The firm aims to achieve this through their product i9, a distribution management cum analytics platform.

Providing an insight into the market challenges that vendors face in this segment, the Founder and CEO of 3PTEC Shourabh Srivastava says, "One of the biggest challenges is mindset of the downstream stakeholders in supply chain. It is hard to convince people to accept change, or share information, coupled with entities having disparate systems. However, we were successful to overcome these challenges through the inbuilt features within the platform combined with vast domain experience of the team, which also consist of Big data specialist and data scientists".

3PTEC's i9 platform differentiates itself in the market as a sturdy customer centric platform rather than a product centric. Mr. Srivastava explains, "The platform will change as per the dynamic requirements of the customer rather than customer compromising or looking for workaround. i9 is highly scalable, flexible and comes with minimum prerequisite which translates into faster implementation and easy adoption thus giving our customer an ROI in less than 18 months."
i9 is built on big data with current architecture supporting 1.5 million transaction per hour. Mr. Srivastava further elaborates, "We not only offer a complete view of the secondary and tertiary sales and stock information but also enable valuable insights through our powerful analytical engine." A lot of features/analysis in the platform are based on Goldratt Theory of Constrain. Clients are greatly benefitted with i9's ability to provide insights like, what not to produce, how much to produce (demand base rather than forecast based) and also prioritise how much to ship to which distributor. This information becomes critical, especially for products with a shelf life. I9 also ensures that the distributors are not being dumped with stocks or for that matter face a stock out situation. Mr. Srivastava adds, "The platform not only gives insights to companies but also to their distributors on how to maximize their inventory turns, thus better ROC.

i9 is highly scalable, flexible and comes with minimum prerequisite which translates into faster implementation and easy adoption thus giving our customer an ROI in less than 18 months"

3PTEC is driven by the 3P's that deciphers into - People, Passion and Principle, which also forms the founding values of the firm. 3PTEC caters to the challenges faced by industries across the globe. The firm strategizes to align with customer goals in order to create value. Envisioning the future, Mr. Srivastava says, "We want our platform to emerge as the core enabler to enhance the visibility of all the touch point the inventory may have in its entire life cycle. He concludes saying that 3PTEC aims to continuously innovate as per market dynamics and grow as the customer grows."