MothersonSumi INfotech & Designs - Building the Technology Enabled Supply Chains of the Future

CIO Vendor While understanding transformations in a supply chain, the vital factor considered in it is the demand from OEMs. It is a well understood phenomenon that unexpected upturns and downturns faced by industry owing to market volatility introduce a rippling effect across the supply chain. Considering the challenges faced by OEMs and suppliers related to demand patterns, production operations and due to their specific business complexities, MIND as a technology solution provider comes to the fore taking each of the business challenges head-on. MothersonSumi INfotech & Designs Limited (MIND) ensures that existing modules in IT systems are transformed and new ones are efficiently introduced for enterprises with a focus to digitalize workflows and make processes paperless, introduce smartness in planning, inventory management, production operations, logistics movement, machine monitoring, operational data recording and analysis thus bringing about better responsiveness across the value chain.

Established in the year 2000, MIND has grown aggressively to become a global player today with over 500 strong customer base spread across 37 countries. The company started operations in Noida and has now spread its wings across Japan, USA and Germany in addition to India.

"MIND has already established itself as a preferred solution provider globally for its customers in the broad area of supply chain management which includes warehouse, production, logistics management systems as well as process control and automation systems," shares Rakesh Khurana, Chief Operating Officer of MIND. Another complimentary move is penetration into customer's production and supply chain data through Predictive Analytics.

This step is helping MIND create decision models in the area of planning, inventory level controls, production execution and logistics processes. "Not only is MIND focusing on making management more proactive through decision enabling tools, but its outreach is also helping associates on the shop floor work smarter and more efficiently," adds Rakesh.
With a good breadth of mobility based software solutions for shop floors already to its credit, MIND is now working for the next level by readying its solutions to include smart wearables, digital interactive training modules, smart user guidance systems, intelligent warehouse systems, next age genealogy systems, collaborative systems for supply chain connecting OEM to Tier N as well as digitalization of production floor operations to provide real time pulse monitoring of manufacturing by using IOT frameworks and analytics.

MothersonSumi INfotech & Designs Limited (MIND) ensures that existing modules in IT systems are transformed and new ones are efficiently introduced for enterprises with a focus to digitalize workflows.

"In the process of devising these smart solutions for shop floor, we have realized that communicating with machines and interconnecting them to talk with one another is an area that will ultimately help define the shop floor IQ," points out the COO. He further briefs that his team is also working on creating low-cost standardized frame works which would communicate with diversity of machines and protocols. While designing every solution, MIND understands that adherence to processes is a pivotal factor for efficiency in supply chains.

Rakesh believes that another important step ahead in supply chain is towards making processes leaner through technology. In this regard, automation of process steps is an area where MIND's engineers are working on through detailed study on customer's processes and doing research. In all the solutions that MIND's in-house teams are working on, their understanding, vision and goal is distinctly clear to continuously understand and foresee challenges in supply chain and capitalize on their passion and skill sets to create solutions that will make supply chains truly integrated and future proof.