Cell Antenna Brings In Advanced Cell Phone Threat Control System - CPC-Vulcan

CIOReview Team | Friday, 05 June 2015, 10:04 IST

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CORAL SPRINGS, FL: Cell Antenna Corporation, providers of distributed antenna systems for mobile phones; announces the launch of its advanced capability Cell Phone Threat Control System (CPC-Vulcan), which provides comprehensive cellular signal awareness in Law Enforcement Tactical situations. The CPC-Vulcan system is competent of securing any individual cell phone or a complete area operating in any protocol, including GSM, CDMA, WCDMA and LTE, eliminating the problem of jamming. The system can be used for Managed Access type denial of service in prisons, baggage screening and counter surveillance methods. It is a low-cost solution that supplies rapid detection and identification of unauthorized cellular handsets, automatically adapts to configuration changes in providers’ cellular networks and operates in covertly without interrupting the carriers. CellAntenna uses mobile solution provider L-3 Linkabit’s predictive surgical technology, offering a low-cost solution for the swift detection and identification of unauthorized cellular handsets. The CPC-Vulcan system is portable for speedy deployment in emergency situations or can be connected to a Distributed Antenna System (DAS), providing full security protection from cell phone use in buildings. Combined with CellAntenna’s 100 watt per band Multiband High Power Remote Unit (CA-MBRU-HP), the system can deliver commanding control of cell phones in any area. “With the growing threats posed by illegal use of cell phones, having the advanced CPC-Vulcan in any First Responder police department’s equipment list can protect the public and save lives,” says Howard Melamed, President and CEO of CellAntenna Corporation.