Continuing with existing operating models, business models and ways of working will not let capital market players to sustain the business in the long term. Hence, today's capital market firms face a stark choice between undertaking radical innovation and sliding toward irrelevance. Without failing to acknowledging this need of the hour, Mumbai headquartered Infotech Financials (P) Ltd has been offering customized solutions for risk management, capital market intermediary operations and fund management. Established in 1999, the organization has emerged as one of the leading algorithmic trading software platforms in terms of execution speed while designing customized strategies as per the users' requirements.
The emergence of new financial centers has consequently resulted in connectivity issues with the new exchanges and also has made firms focus on new technology such as order routing and information management. Aligning with this trend, Infotech Financials extends its order routing and information management system, Chanakya, to handle numerous securities traded in different market segments on the various stock exchanges.
Chanakya to Not Miss the Best Trading Opportunity
In algorithmic and high-frequency trading, providers of trading systems are often challenged to find a way to execute comprehensive risk management while keeping pace with low-latency algorithmic trading. Catering to these bottlenecks, Infotech Financials has implemented an all-inclusive RMS in its algotrading platform, Chanakya, to ensure that all regulatory checks introduced time and again are incorporated while trading.
With its ability to get installed on co-located servers at the exchanges, Chanakya assists investors to detect investment opportunities. While allowing investors to get a view of the best investment opportunities associated with highest ROI after accounting for all expenses, Chanakya also enables the users to take positions in securities that bestow them maximum returns. Having connectors to almost all the Indian exchanges, Chanakya empowers brokers to trade through a single platform and a common interface to different exchanges simultaneously thereby enabling them to run cross exchange strategies. A host of other features such as portfolio analysis, speculative alerts, implied volatility calculations and graphical displays of implied volatility in the next software version, will make it a comprehensive decision support software for derivatives trading. "Our software has endowed users to automate a large portion of their trading activities such as scanning opportunities across scripts with multiple strategies or market events across various exchanges and market segments such as equities, derivatives, currency and commodities", mentions Krishna Dagli, Director-Technology, Infotech Financials.
Infotech Financials has been offering customized solutions for risk management, capital market intermediary operations and fund management
With the increase of STT and other transaction charges, the Infotech Financials team continuously endeavors to efficiently execute every project. The company intends to provide an interface for users to create their own strategies using an easy GUI. Moreover, Infotech Financials works to incorporate technical analysis in their trading and expand the options trading suite. By expanding its proven proficiency in risk management, quantitative trading and fund management, the company is motivated to render flexibility to customers to create their own data slices thereby transforming the business processes.