In the capital marketplace, investors are increasingly turning to equities as opposed to trading in the bond market. One of the reasons that better explains this investing habit is the complete makeover that equity markets underwent in terms of infrastructure, regulations, and technology. The bond market is still in its development phase. "Today however, there is growing interest among international investors in Indian debt and they are constantly seeking quality intermediates and enhanced market participants," states Amisha Ajmera, CEO and Founder of Genesis Software.
A pioneer in debt market technology, Genesis Software works hand in hand with established debt market dealers to develop complete front end and back end solutions that enable easy execution of deals. The company's proprietary product eInstadealisan all-encompassing package that facilitates the smooth functioning of organisations dealing in the debt market.
Since its inception in 1997, Genesis Software has been focusing on the bond market and has an in depth understanding of both the application of software and trading features of debt securities. "We are in a unique position to help any financial institution or corporate entity set up their operations and service the industry instantly," says Amisha. Through strategic alliances, Genesis Software bundles its products with updated information on various securities so that brokers and corporates can overcome legal issues, sustainability concerns, and regulatory compliances and access information easily in its stead. Not just a software developer but an industry leader in India, Genesis Software's products cover retail debt market, wholesale debt market, merchant banking, and portfolio management.
It's not that difficult to break down how the company assures implementation of corporate strategy from different portfolio management viewpoints. With corporates and bank fund managers looking to fulfill management expectations on return on investments, Genesis Software's Treasury Management Software delivers precise and prompt information on the current standing of the portfolio. Thus, helping fund managers make decisions with regard to the allocation of funds or switchover in assets.
For matters related to compliance, Genesis Software customers regularly undergo SEBI and FIMMDA audits. "As a service provider,we help generate whatever information is sought by the authorities from the software," adds Amisha. The products have been so designed that compliance can be filed on a timely basis.
Genesis Software has been focusing on the bond market and has an in depth understanding of both the application of software and trading features of debt securities
A recent success story has been Welspun Industries, a company with its own fund management team. The implementation of eInsta Deal vastly improved their overall functioning, performance, interaction with brokers, and portfolio management.
Genesis Software is one of the few companies who have helped various intermediaries successfully morph from a trading-cum-broker platform to a corporate debt and mutual fund management platform. Equipped with a plan to helpco-operative banks, mutual fund houses, and insurance companies manage their portfolios with eTreasury - the next logical extension of the company's product portfolio, Genesis Software's dedication to the Indian debt market is unmatched. With a proven track record of 20 years, "the company is now in a takeoff mode," she concludes.