Darts India (i-darts): Leveraging Technology to gain Market Insights

CIO Vendor Today, capital markets are at the cusp of a Transition. It has the opportunity to adopt digital trends and technologies as well as embrace new business models. Advanced software products are constantly redefining the industry in more ways than one. They are helping traders identify trading opportunities which are humanly impossible. It is helping brokers manage their risks better and at the same time offering brokerage services at a substantially lower cost. Changing Demographics, increasing exposure to financial Markets, lower returns from traditional investments, regulatory changes, and the increasing convergence of traditional and alternative business models are the key drivers of growth for the adoption of digital transformation strategies in the capital markets industry.

i-darts was started with an objective of providing an advanced market information and analytics platform at a lower cost to serve a wide range of users including research analysts, traders, dealers and retail investors. Such Platforms were enjoyed only by an elite few because of the high price tag and remained out of reach for most traders. "i-darts believes that precise information delivered without time delay can place unprecedented advantage in the hands of the user. It enables users to make proactive decisions before decisions are forced on them," says Venkatachari, Co-Founder, i-darts.

State of the Art but Cost Effective
The company's products are used by Stock Brokers to deliver the best value to their clients. The products are execution system agnostic and can connect with any OMS for seamless trading. While i-darts remains focused on end user needs, it also helps brokers differentiate themselves to attract new clients, promote customer loyalty and increase revenues with their white labelled platform.

i-darts takes a holistic approach to Customer satisfaction with feature rich products, responsive technical support and ongoing customer feedback. It
keeps customers at the centre of everything it does. Product decisions are influenced by how it will impact Customers and their clients. "We have regular meetings with existing customers and try to incorporate their feedbacks in our eight week release cycle. We also work closely with our partners, who are experts in their respective areas like technical analysis, financial markets. They use our products and give us feedback on what the market needs," states Venkat.

i-darts believes that precise information delivered without time delay can place unprecedented advantage in the hands of the user

Quality in Performance
According to the founder, the journey of the company has been nothing short of exhilarating with hits and misses along the way, but is an overall success in the way the products have turned out. Over the years, i-darts' products have also evolved from a single market, single asset class, and single instrument to a multi-market, multi-asset class and multi-instruments capability. "Over the years we have developed a number of value added products that include EOD Technical Scanners, AMIBROKER Plug-ins, live pads, historical data services, integrating world leading charting libraries, daily market flash and more," states the founder.

"We have also started a new vertical to develop products for Start-ups in the Financial Market space. Currently we have 3 clients in the US."

Bright Roadmap Ahead
On the product front, the company plans to build options strategy, more real-time scanners, and integration with other leading OMS/RMS. It will also be making significant enhancements to the existing range of web and mobile products. Speaking about the expansion of the company, Venkat concludes, "In terms of geographical expansion, we plan to focus on the Middle East, Northern Africa and Asia Pacific regions. We would also be aggressively expanding our FinTech product development Vertical to serve clients in US, Europe and Asia Pacific.