India's IT revolution in 2000's has been phenomenal. It is considered to be an important engine of growth in the Indian economy having millions of Indians hope for a better future.
Technology is now used to impart scale and speed to development. Information, education, skills, healthcare, livelihood, financial inclusion, small and village enterprises - entirely new possibilities have emerged to change the development model through this technology.
Nascent offers its Data Center Solutions to the customer with components of a secure solution in place, like High Availability, RAID, DR services etc.
Empowering initiatives by Government like Make in India, Digital India and Design in India have changed the way we look at connecting with each other. As our economy and our lives get more wired, we need to give importance to maintain and monitor such huge data which becomes the core of Data Center Management. Volumes of data, once created, need to be secured in digital repositories in Data Centers. Today the growth in various verticals like BFSI, Telecom, IT & ITES, and Digital and Social Media Services sector is blooming at a healthy rate. According to reports it is said that the Indian data center infrastructure market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.30 percent during the period from 2015-2020 to meet the demands of the businesses.
Nascent Info Technologies, headquartered in Ahmedabad, ensures efficient, streamlined and unified experience for customers, partners and employees; in data center management. "We have been providing interminable services from Tier III compliant data center since last four years. While we are still young, we excel in providing a range of solutions to meet the requirements of customers at various levels of security of their data," says Maulik Bhagat, Founder & Managing Director, Nascent Info.
Nascent has an ecosystem of storage vendors in place to fulfill the requirements on short notice for urgent requirements of customer needing dedicated storage services. Apart from this, the company has arrangements with other Data Center vendors in different seismic zones to provide true DR services. Nascent offers its Data Center Solutions to the customer with components of a secure solution in place, like High Availability, RAID, DR services etc. depending on the customer requirements.
"We believe it's not the technology, but the application that makes the product adaptable. There is a constant need for evolving in this creative economy with new generation tools to be able to sustain. Our Data Center is built to provide top-notch solutions that can help harmonize and integrate business's critical systems. We are all about efficiency; we provide resources and information that help prevent risks and generate faster, more energy-efficient and secure data services," adds Bhagat.
Apart from data center services, Nascent also has a GIS Data Center that enables g-governance to build an organized repository of Geographic Information System (GIS) data offering mapping tools to local governments, planning partners, private organizations and the general public, to view, query, analyze and visualize geospatial data.
"Data center management is going to emerge as a strong stakeholder in the growing economy of India. And we at Nascent Info Technologies will continue to be in the space of niche and specialized IT services to our clients and continue to grow with more solutions," envisages Bhagat.