Sudhakar Singh, Editor
Industry 4.0 market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 20 percent from 2021 to 2026. The forecast speaks volumes of the widening scope and potential of Industry 4.0. Manufacturers are embracing it with open arms looking to achieve the next level of efficiency and productivity. Technology solution providers are playing a crucial role in enabling the revolution. Hence, in this issue we have covered this important segment. The cover story of this special issue features Kyoritsu Electric India which is an experienced player in the PCBA testing market and has made a difference with its set up that matches Industry 4.0 standards. The company is one of the select few ones in the Indian market who have been consistently certified as an ISO 9001:2015 compliant organization year over year. Also featuring in this issue is IBC Cube which provides a range of ready to use solutions that organizations can implement very quickly and then customize to fit their specific business needs. It is SaaS based, and requires no IT personnel for implementation, covering an organization's resource management requirements in an end to end manner. The issue also covers Kewaunee International Group which combines its century long Manufacturing and Infrastructure expertise with Industry 4.0 technologies to deliver Next Generation laboratories to their clients in every industry segment. Reading on you will also find stories on some other select few players in this segment.
In this special issue, CIOReviewIndia brings to you the list of 10 Most Promising Industry 4.0 Solution Providers who have made their mark in this domain with their technology acumen and industry expertise. These companies have kept abreast of the new technological advancements in this segment and have leveraged them to their full potential.
We hope this issue gives you helpful insights into this market landscape.