How to Use Signs to Make Your Business Stand Out By CIOReviewIndia Team

How to Use Signs to Make Your Business Stand Out

CIOReviewIndia Team | Tuesday, 20 October 2020, 04:31 IST

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How to Use Signs to Make Your Business Stand OutEven with the digital revolution that has seen online retails stores like Amazon and Ali Baba become so famous many businesses still have brick-and-mortar locations. Also, re-search shows that nearly all transactions (90%) still take place at the retail stores and not online. Retail shops, musical teachers, golf courses, yoga studios, and hotels among oth-ers, depend a lot on attracting customers to their physical lo-cations. The very livelihood of these businesses depends on attracting customers right through the door. So what makes a prospective customer choose your business and not your competitors”? The answer lies in crafting good open sign neon. Here are more tips to use signs so great effect and make your business stand out.

Use Creative Color

It doesn’t matter what message you want to convey. The most important thing is to choose the right color. Do you want to create sales boards? Go vibrant with orange, red, or other contrasting brights. On the other hand, if you are creating functional signage for an upcoming event, think in terms of blue, pastels, or toned down green. Clean white can also make the message stand out. Whatever you choose, it’s important to ensure that blends well with your font color as well as other aspects on your board.

Contrast Cleverly

If you intend for your sign to take the most important spot in a busy space, you need to understand that people generally do not have the whole time in the day to read huge blocks of texts and loads of info. Therefore, not only is it important to have a short and sweet message you will also need to ensure that the most important message stands out.

But how do you achieve this? The simplest way to do this is by using contrast. Ensure that the background color differs significantly from the text color. This also ensures that the sign will easily be read comfortably from a distance. Refrain from overloading your sign with too much imagery which might otherwise confuse your message.

Not all people who pass by your sign will have great eye-sight. Another good example of contrasting colors could be a black font on a light background. It’s called light reflectancy and can be particularly helpful in restaurant open sign neon.

Also, avoid cluttering your signage with colors that contrast badly as this can make your sign unreadable especially from a distance.

Extend your sign on the street

For the best effects, your shop sign needs to be above eye-level. Use graphics and window decals to extend your shop sign. Grab the attention of the customers passing by. If you are running any special offers, let your customers know of these via your signs.

More importantly, you need to think carefully about how you do inside the promotion. Customers need to have an excel-lent shopping experience. To achieve this, make sure the shop displays inside display clear information. Connect with your customers, products as well as their purchase. Your shoppers need information once they are inside the shop. Move your corporate or brand identity from the sign outside the shop to the inside of your shop. Use signs to inspire the customer to return and also talk about their overall shopping experience.

Be Different

Feel free to let your creativity flow by doing things a little dif-ferently than anyone else. Just because the average open sign neon is often red doesn’t mean yours should also be. In-fuse your brand imagery and color into your sign to create that additional wow factor. You can also use jokes and puns to great effect and grab the attention of the passersby. The single most important thing you can do is being outstanding and memorable. Oh, and of course, you also need to have fun.

Use Terrific Typography

Sometimes, all it needs for your business to stand out from the competition is by choosing the perfect font. As much as possible, avoid curly, thin, or overly complicated fonts as these tend to be challenging to be read from a distance. Therefore, if you want a high impact, you need to select a typeface without the fuss.

In signage, the less information you out there, the better it will be. For this reason, keep everything simple. You could try to print your sign and try to read it from 5 meters out. If you can make out the most important parts of your message, that’s great. Check also if there is sufficient spacing between letters. Otherwise, you will need to do your design afresh.

Attract and stimulate

One good thing with shop signage is that it’s a highly power-ful medium. They should attract customers, stimulate sales, and even promote your store. More importantly, they need to create a terrific first impression. What impression should your sign present to your customers? Do you want it to tell customers that you are attractive, welcoming, or profession-al?

What do you want your customers to feel and see once they are inside your shop? Do you just abandon them once they have come in or use signs to inform and direct them? Used correctly, signs can help to grab the attention of your cus-tomers. Great internal signs can be highly effective at pro-moting your shop.

Inspire the shopper.

Look for creative ways of promoting your signage on the pavement without getting into trouble with the local council or upsetting the shoppers. One way that’s usually recom-mended for this purpose is to use A-Boards. These can suc-cessfully promote special events or offers.

Also, have the boards produced professionally instead of scribbling them on a blackboard. An A-Board displays your message to the whole footfall that passes by your shop every day.


In this current business climate that’s characterized by cutth-roat competition, you need to stand out to avoid being swamped by the many businesses around you. Luckily, out-door signs, when craftily designed, can be highly effective at making you stand out. By using the above tips, you will no doubt make your shop to be unique and bring in the custom-ers. If you are looking for your ultimate business partner creating outstanding signage that grabs the attention of pas-sersby, you only need to visit