Being the backbone of Industry 4.0 ecosystem, electronics manufacturing in turn relies on PCBA testing, which has become an integral part of the process. Manufacturing companies are looking for turnkey solutions from testing service providers. The OEMs are focusing on the quality of the product they deliver along with high longevity. Owing to these factors, PCBA testing service demands new dimensions of operation, which could provide the clients with automation driven testing methods.
Kyoritsu Electric India is an experienced player in the PCBA testing market and has made a difference with its setup that matches Industry 4.0 standards. While talking about the company's market position, Kyoritsu's COO and Director, Prashant Patil states, "We have been in the testing field for more than 25 years with legitimate understanding and authoritative experience in PCBA Testing, SMT solutions, as well as the latest Factory Automation solutions. Kyoritsu is one of the select few companies in the Indian market who are consistently verified & certified as an ISO 9001:2015 compliant organization year-on-year". The company plays a pivotal role as A machine supplier to the industries including Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Defence Electronics and EMS & OEMs.
Kyoritsu realizes that the future of ICT industry is embedded in IoT, factory automation, M2M and AI. This has inspired them to induce automation to their testing jigs. According to Prashant, "Kyoritsu's Test Fixtures & Function Test Jigs have the capability to interface with the test bench and thereby give appropriate info to the test bench to generate reports or log files which can be then taken-up on the server". Kyoritsu derives its competitive edge through such operations and by offering high customer satisfaction. The internal R&D team of Kyoritsu embarks on developed parameters to design functional testers & fixtures and even support their clients with DFT (Design for Test).
Living Up To Clients' Expectations
Kyoritsu uses a testing process at multiple stages, allowing the products to be error-free and work for a longer time with no downtime. Prashant explains, "Majorly at the component level, they use In-circuit Testing (ICT) machine, and further after completion of box-build or to check any functional testing, they go for separate Functional Testers or End-of-Line (EOL) testers". When required, the company also uses a combination tester providing complete testing solutions right from ICT, Testing Jigs, and Functional Testers & EOL testers.
The company has been striving to mirror its Japanese parent company. They provide a hand-holding experience to the clients by visiting the clients' facility to understand, assimilate and demonstrate their suggestions to fit appropriate client needs. Besides, the company also provides services to match the growing demand of services like RF test fixtures. While the company understands, assimilates, demonstrates and recommends the right solutions for the client organizations, it needs to steady its internal operations to conform systematic documentation of the process. Besides, the workforce of the organization is trained in reporting and proper sign-offs and provides extended services for their existing customers like basic jigs to kit-style fixtures for complete testing enclosures. This has added to the value Kyoritsu provides with its services to the customers.
In-house testing infrastructure has helped Kyoritsu to provide its service on time. On the other hand, in-house operations have facilitated the production of services at a low cost. Kyoritsu always ensures that the suggestions they provide to their clients are backed by proper research. Such operations require the right R&D facilities that would allow them a grass-root level of understanding.
Prashant says, "We do all the R&D of the fixtures in-house. The majority of the raw materials and components used in our fixture development are imported from across the globe - Germany, US, Japan, and Korea, so as to maintain top-notch quality of our testing fixtures". Customers have liked the company's approach and have developed trust over the years. Their partnerships are defined majorly by keeping the customer relationship at first.
Talent Management
Talking about the core competence of the team, Prashant says, "The success of our organization is entirely credited to our efficient team, which enables us to provide a superior quality array of Proactive Services to our reputed customers". Kyoritsu has ensured that they produce a well-balanced and distributed team across all the organization outlets and plants. Their action speaks for itself when there has been a high effective outcome in terms of vertically controlling the workforce across each setup of the organization.
The company management has realized that in order to manage large work volume, it is important to keep growing teams. This includes recruitment and training of the employees to add fresh workforce to the company's employee base from time-to-time. "We have a world-class team of highly qualified and experienced engineers, especially in the field of PCBA testing, who are well equipped with the knowledge of ICT + FCT machines application, technical & service support, pin fixture development, fabrication and debugging," says the company director.
To achieve its position in PCBA testing industry, Kyoritsu has continually moved an extra mile to understand even the unstated needs of the clients
On the other hand, Kyoritsu makes strategic moves to ensure that there is enough people on board to carry-out operations in customer-centric approach. They maintain a strategic presence in all the metropolitan cities, ensuring round-the-clock service. Such strategic moves made by the entire team have always paid back in terms of ensuring ability to cater to the needs of more number of manufacturers across the length of the country.
Looking At The Future
Kyoritsu has been able to outshine other competitors in the market for giving complete testing solutions. Starting right from ICT, continuing to provide testing jigs and functional and EOL testers, the company has developed futuristic customized PCBA testing along with industry 4.0 enabled smart SMT Line manufacturing systems. This has allowed the company to provide integrated factory automation solutions for their customers. Thus, Kyoritsu has made a huge impact on the customer base. The company is now able to get the fruits of long-term relationship where their task has been made easier by previous efforts to educate the customers on their own set ups.
Kyoritsu is also engaged in supporting other organizations that are willing to set-up their complete SMT line. The experienced team extends their help by renting machines and spares while these companies are getting started in the market. With its first-mover advantage, Kyoritsu is able to identify this demand space and is providing the same at economic prices.
Kyoritsu has a growing team that allows the organization to derive potential for their future operations. In order to expand their service market, Kyoritsu ensures scaling-up on their portfolio to diversify their offering to the potential customers. To achieve its position in PCBA testing industry, Kyoritsu has continually moved an extra mile to understand even the unstated needs of the clients. The company is determined to put their focus on continuous development and innovation to keep-up with their USP of on-time service of critical-to-quality deliverables, irrespective of complexity in solution.
Moving ahead, Kyoritsu plans to improve its market share by associating itself with the Make-In-India initiative. The company aims to work as training partner to ESSCI Skill Development Program. This is expected to catapult the company to the next level of business growth.