NSBA Announces 2016 Education Technology Innovation Showcase By CIOReview Team

NSBA Announces 2016 Education Technology Innovation Showcase

CIOReview Team | Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 07:01 IST

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The National School Boards Association (NSBA) is happy to announce the six companies selected for its annual Technology Innovation Showcase. “The Technology Innovation Showcase was created to introduce school leaders to new approaches, enabled by technology, that address real issues in K-12 education,” said Thomas J. Gentzel, NSBA’s Executive Director. “With its unique focus on the intersection of education policy and technology practice, NSBA has a long history of serving as a bridge between the entrepreneurial community and school leaders charged with making critical decisions.” The 2016 Technology Innovation Showcase includes the following companies: FieldTripZoom is an online marketplace for teachers who want a simple way to support their in-class instruction by using live, interactive educational content from around the world through unique collaborations with museums, surgeons, national park rangers, and more. iCanHelpline is the United States’ first social media helpline for schools. Launched last fall by Silicon Valley-based nonprofits #iCANHELP and Net Family News Inc., and supported by social media companies, it has already successfully provided assistance with cyberbullying, online impersonation, and sexting to more than 300 schools. Memarden, Inc. believes education is about igniting a student’s passion for learning. Their game-based learning module lets teachers and students make multimedia learning games in minutes. Their project-based learning module encourages deeper learning and critical thinking via student-fueled inquiry and collaboration. PlanetHS, LLC - The PlanetHS platform connects all aspects of school extra-curricular activities, such as athletics, music, and clubs; improves communication and community support; and provides valuable insight into the correlation of participation in these programs and student academic and life-long success. ZealLearning, Inc. - Zeal Tutoring delivers live math coaching to a classroom. Students work on a bank of 3000 online K-8 math problems. A Zeal tutor works with each student using a shared whiteboard and audio to solve the problem and check for understanding. Zulama, LLC - Carnegie Mellon University faculty helped Zulama create a rigorous game design curriculum for middle and high schoolers. Zulama develops STE(A)M skills by connecting core knowledge with computer programming through highly engaging game design projects. Submissions were solicited from start-up companies providing new approaches to challenges across the K-12 curriculum, administrative operations, and communication channels. Reviewers included educators from NSBA’s “20 to Watch,” a recognition program that honors emerging education technology leaders. “It can be challenging for school board members and their school districts to stay abreast of all of the latest innovations, given the vast array of new technologies available,” said Ann Flynn, NSBA’s Director of Education Technology. “In highlighting innovative solutions, NSBA’s Technology Leadership Network aims to provide inspiration for decision makers looking for new approaches to both old and new challenges.” The 2016 class will be featured in an exclusive area of the exhibition and participate in a Tech Innovation Showcase panel during the NSBA Annual Conference in Boston, April 9-11, 2016. Later this summer, they will be featured in NSBA’s magazine for school leaders, American School Board Journal, and participate in a webinar hosted by NSBA’s Technology Leadership Network (TLN). TLN, launched in 1985 by NSBA and its state school boards associations, helps advance the wise use of technology in K-12 education to support learning, operations, and communications