Online education has evolved to be one of the most sought after mediums to pursue courses in western educational system as it is scalable, carries learning retention, and saves on time and money. As per the survey conducted by the European University Association, among the universities and other higher educational institutions that participated, 91 percent of them showed concomitance to e-learning, citing an increase in the open online courses. Even with such encouraging numbers, there is still an element of hesitancy shown by people to undertake classes through online. Many e-learners also discontinue their courses, impugning the credibility of such offering in the long run.
Online credentials such as digital badges are necessary to assert the skills & accomplishments. This not only certifies the talents but also gives great autonomy for students, good feedback and variety of assignments. Digital badging has gained popularity recently as a key ingredient in online and informal education. It is a way to inspire learning, certify achievement and validate that you’ve acquired new knowledge or skills. Ebizon, with the troupe of its skilled think tanks, has been providing integrated digital badging platform to enable online portals to offer badges to students at an affordable cost. This platform is easy to integrate and does not require much of a technical support.
Headquartered in Noida, Ebizon is ceaselessly eyeing to promote e-learning by focusing on badging, thereby also encouraging people to continue their educational dreams through
online platform. Ebizon worked with Society for Science and the Public to implement an online badging system to recognize high school students' participation and achievement in science fairs and independent student research.Each year, digital badges are awarded
to the science fair community at-large,including educators, mentors, judges and volunteers who take part in Intel ISEF and Intel STS in the Society's premier high school science competitions -- the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) and the Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS). They are able to claim, display, share and promote the badges they’ve earned.
Ebizon utilized its experience to come out with new mechanisms to help students upload their assignments and projects and finally aiding them to earn a well deserved badge. The Company has integrated badging technology with learning management systems in institutions as well, thereby enabling the teachers to effectively merge specific technology into their teaching methods. This also helps in awarding badges to individual students without worrying about time factor.
Ebizon proposes to offer digital badges to publishing sectors where digital books are integrated with digital badging
With a rapid market transformation to digital publishing, Ebizon proposes to offer digital badges to publishing sectors where digital books are integrated with digital badging. If a reader or a student completes his exercises & assignments, badges are issued
to them. Ebizon has also been providing Drupal solutions that offer dynamic, feature rich open-CMS services which are a compilation of robust and amiable Content Management platforms. Other than Publishing sector and educational institutions, Ebizon has been rendering its sentience of software expertise to non profit organizations as well. Ebizon is ceaselessly eyeing to promote e-learning by focusing on badging, thereby also encouraging people to continue their educational dreams through online platform.