While ERP has its origins in manufacturing and production planning systems, the scope of ERP offerings expanded in the mid-1990s to include other "back-office" functions such as order management and HRM. The range of functionality of ERP systems has further expanded in recent years to include more applications like marketing automation, student systems and supply chain systems. But surprisingly, education Sector which should have been in the fore-front in ERP implementation has lagged behind. Most certainly, the solutions are a step closer, but still not entirely adapted to support business activities in education institutions.
Catering a web based, ERP enabled educational solution to streamline and manage student information efficiently is XIPHIAS Software Technologies, headquartered in Bangalore, with ERP modules built on a sophisticated Dot Net environment that incorporates the cloud computing concept with the latest web 2008 SQL server technologies. XIPHIAS, Established in 2005 accomplishes a rich product suite; with School Automation Software, Online Examination Management System and Library Management System being the top notch products in company’s basket.
Being one of the leading manufacturers of interactive Touch Screen KIOSK in India, XIPHIAS renders KIOSK Applications for Retail, Banking, Telecom, Tourism, Education and Hospitality sectors.ATSI, the school automation ERP software of XIPHIAS, designed to aid users (students, teachers, parents and the school administrative staff) to view and gather detailed and customized information of both administrative and academic nature, is integrated with SMS and email options with the facility of access over the internet from any location in the world. “Using ATSI Software; Parents, Students, and teachers can login to their respective dashboards and can stay regularly
updated regarding the progress of the kids.” claims Rohit Kumar, CEO at XIPHIAS Software Technologies. Besides, the Online Examination Management Software of XIPHIAS makes the entire process of conducting examination and results preparation computerized thus promising the paperless examination management. Library Management System of XIPHIAS contains all the modules like cataloguing, accessioning, acquisition, circulation, members, OPAC, In/Out management, digital library and reports, required to automate the complete library. Moreover, the circulation work like issue, return and renewal, fine calculation, sending reminders, stock verification and reports of missing stock is also automated.
XIPHIAS renders KIOSK Applications for Retail, Banking, Telecom, Tourism, Education and Hospitality sectors
XIPHIAS manufactures ATP’s i.e., Any Time Payment Machines that facilitates payment of utility bills any time, any day. ATP’s machines by XIPHIAS are being used in the state of Jharkhand, without any hindrance from past three years, for electricity bill payment with an assured standard response time of 29 minutes in case of any break down along with a 24*7 help centre for ATP’s. Elaborating the applications of ATP, Rohit says “Affiliating to ATP’s, parents can visit the school and pay the fees using ATP’s which accepts Cash, Coins, Debit Card, Credit Card, Check or DD.”
XIPHIAS visualizes the upcoming decade to be digitalized where all types of latest technologies like RFID, Smart Card Integration, Smart Classes, Face Recognition Machines and Touch Screen Kiosks, which are incorporated very less by institutions now, will be adopted very fast. Thus, the company intends to make its team future ready to deal with the latest technology and adopt it for implementation in the education sector in the near future.