The Indian education system has been a topic of controversial discussions lately. The dilemma is not the cost of education but the quality and the system per se. The goal, strangely, is limited only upto finding a good, self-contenting job. The students are kept uninformed of the two crucial parameters that they need to achieve: "˜self-actualization' and "˜self-transcendence'. In a different, more magnanimous perspective, our education system needs a disruption. There is a fair probability that we might not be prepared for a future driven by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies.
As a leader and educator, Shiv Ram Choudhary, obviously was troubled with the situation. Having been an ardent learner, he travelled to nations like Finland and US, learning from their education systems and developing insights. The way their education system works to prepare the student mind-set to equip him/her for the future; took Shiv by awe. Evidently, these nations were working towards futuristic education. He realized, this is where our system was facing the jam. A question stood tall: What could we integrate in the current system to bring about an impact, to add value to the learning of the students? Shiv Ram answered this question by laying foundation to Codevidhya in Jan 2016. The mission was to transform schooling system with new approach to bring about a valuable change and to educate them about the value of Coding education in early age.
Coders to Entrepreneurs
As a solution, a structured coding programme was developed and the pilot project was launched for Grades 4 to 10 in Euro International School, Sikar in August 2016. This was implemented on 600 students from Grade 4 to 10 for an academic session and the results were quite impressive. As Choudhary expresses, "That was the first time I saw creativity and enthusiasm in Computer classroom. They had wanted to explore much more but curriculum and system was bounding them in limits to learn left and right clicks only. And Codevidhya came across as a breeze of fresh air.
It gave them something to think about, to solve, and to create". As the first project of the first lot of 9 students from Euro International School that started coding; the 7th, 8th and 9th grade students developed Ekunit.org - an online platform to connect blood donors and receivers instantly on an urgent need basis. The young developers came out with this idea when they were asked to think out of the box and look around for a social problem that can be solved through coding and technology. "Codevidhya is not only focused to delivering Coding education but also dedicated to ensure the purpose of coding to them (entrepreneurship) and to make them better and responsible digital citizen", says Shiv Ram.
Codevidhya differentiates itself by
offering a futuristic Computer Science
curriculum that empowers the future
A Vision
As an EdTech startup, Codevidhya follows the "˜Learn by Doing' approach. Adhering to this philosophy, Codevidhya integrates such tools in their platforms and practices that leverage students' learning and knowledge. The startup has ambitious plans underway to expand to more schools and has already partnered with 10 schools catering to 3500 students. Progressive schools such as Floreto World School, Bhartiya Public School and CGPS joined hands in this promising mission of creating coders and instilling entrepreneurship in young generation. Codevidhya differentiates itself by offering a futuristic Computer Science curriculum that empowers the future generation. Students are encouraged to find out real problems of the real world in surrounding and solve it with the help of technology. Shiv Ram, like a grand master, is already making the moves to the central ground of a revolutionary transformation. "This is just the beginning!" exclaims the proud and jubilant Shiv Ram.