For one thing, the internet and burgeoning AI technology have made e-learning more accessible than ever before. Content knowledge builds on itself. When a student is learning something new, he or she starts off with the basics, builds a foundation, and proceeds conceptually from there. In traditional classrooms, if students misunderstand some aspect of a lesson, they either have to wait until the end of the lesson to ask their questions or until their professor’s after-lesson office hours. This leads to the students missing all of the content that followed that moment of confusion. However, AI empowered e-learning can address points of confusion as soon as the same arise. Basically, Artificial intelligence can act as a virtual tutor and answer questions on the fly.
Based out of New Delhi, Live Padhai is building student learning lifecycle AI model with prediction engine, which will help each student to prioritize their study plan & improvement in recall capacity for learning. The company’s goal is to help each student to improve in learning & performance at micro level with the help of most technologically advanced solutions.
Steady Growth in Learning
Live Padhai’s model starts with the student profile analysis. The solution identifies the capabilities, strength and weakness of the student. Following this, the concept’s chapters are mapped with innovative categorical approach while consistent mapping of their performance is continued by understanding their weak areas at concept level. This is in line with the model’s objective to provide better learning experience to the students at an individual level. As an AI tutoring platform, Live Padhai does student need analysis, customized learning programme and monitoring of performance through deep learning tools.
Hence, overall concept level learning enabled by the platform, backed by timely performance analysis helps the student to enhance the learning and understanding of concept from the ground level up. Assessment model helps to improve recall capabilities for all concept, where further time investment required for relearning. This complete learning model helps to give holistic learning experience, with great improvement in recall capabilities and performance.
As an AI tutoring platform, Live Padhai does student need analysis, customized learning programme and monitoring of performance through deep learning tools
Unlike the conventional models of education technology that startups focus on like- video learning, test preparation or the content approach, Live Padhai’s key differentiator is its ability to measure the efficiency of the learning outcome. “Our platform is built in such a way that we measure the outcome scientifically over a period of time. So the idea is to keep mapping, keep measuring the performance through the models we have, so that outcome can be sustainable over a period of time for their successful career”, adds Amit Singh, Founder & CEO, Live Padhai. Another great feature of the platform is customization. With the help of this feature, Live Padhai is able to serve many stakeholders in education ecosystem, such like; Schools, academic institutes and even corporates, he further adds.
The company is thrilled for the launch of the platform on the November 23rd, 2018. Live Padhai is working towards the goal of ensuring the right guidance and right counselling at the right time to students, in order to help each one of them realize their true potential. With the kind of technology and approach used by this platform, it is certain that Live Padhai will make a difference in the student learning journey.