Schoofi: Empowering Education Institutions with Digitization

CIO Vendor With a surge of technology in today's world, most of the Indian education institutions are still turning a blind eye to the capabilities of new technology solutions. While institutions have been making some investments into technology solutions such as Smart Class solutions, all the other areas have been considerably ignored till now, with very minimal technology interventions across the education industry. Hence, institutions need to understand that implementation of technology will not only improve the effectiveness of teaching/learning process but enable an overall management of institutions activities concerned with all related stakeholders "“ parents, students, teachers and management.

Transforming Education Institutions digitally, Schoofi has been successful in providing effective tracking management and analytical solutions through robust native mobile apps - both iOS and Android platforms - and a responsive web based system, which increases efficiency and efficacy of the learning solutions while ensuring a safe and secure learning environment for the students. The product was launched in 2016 with core focus on four crucial parameters -1)the Safety & Security of students while travelling and within the school/ college/university campus through a robust Zone based user access to control entry/exit of employees, support staff like drivers, cleaners etc., and students to only specific areas within the campus. 2) Collaboration between school management, parents/students and teachers 3) Students performance analysis for targeted delivery of identified areas of improvement, and 4) Lastly, students' expense tracker with a single card. Moreover, the solution is designed and developed in such a way that even a non-tech-savvy person can easily use it.
"Today, we have around 30 modules which together deliver a complete end-to-end solution, to over 100 plus schools, colleges and universities, for overall management problems," highlights Amit Kaul, Founder of the company. "Schoofi is a product developed specifically to ensure all stakeholders collaborate in real-time and understand the academic and non academic performance and development of kids."

Excellence and innovations by students require Safe School environment and Technology-enabled Collaborative learning. And we as leaders owe it to them

Enabling Parents' Involvement
Schoofi enables parents to track all aspects of their kids' academic and non-academic performance/growth through the app on their mobile phones and get notified of all important updates, events, notices, academic performances and other achievements in-app and through SMS, in real-time. The company also provides features for parents to provide critical feedback to the school management and track the action on that feedback. Also, it enables teachers and parents to interact in real-time using an online diary system.

"We are not only focused on building analytical capabilities for student progression and performance to identify strengths and weaknesses for imparting special focus on areas requiring improvement, but, we also understand the importance of teacher performance analysis for better learning environment," concludes Amit Kaul.