Today learning is vastly affected by the latest technologies. Technology has advanced so much that with the help of e-learning solutions and internet connectivity, the geographical gap is bridged, which makes people feel as if they are inside a classroom.There are numerous e-learning solutions that are available today. However, not all e-learning solutions provide enhanced learning experience. Today we have a misconception that anything which is online or digitized is eLearning. However eLearning is both an Art and Science put together. It is an art to design layouts and environment which is appealing to the different learner community and a science to ensure that knowledge transformation happens depending upon the kind of content delivered. It is very important to have this understanding or else the customer ends up having a digitized form of content which does not deliver knowledge.
This is where Gurgaon based XQT, comes to the aid of customers by providing end-to-end eLearning solutions that create a rich and enhanced learning experience. The company uses adequate technologies to implement the right learning framework. XQT follows the top down approach with an Eight Step Process as the development methodology to design and develop the Learning Solutions. Right from the initial step of training need identification the customer requirements are captured to develop necessary syllabus from which a prototype is created. This is tested through the SME before being released for deployment.
The various E-Learning Services offered by XQT can be categorized as customized content development, scripting/story boarding, instructional strategies for knowledge transfer, customized graphics and animation creation, creative interactive simulations for concept delivery, learning solution for CD, web and mobile, LMS integration, deployment and management.
Real Time Simulated Environment
XQT can develop customized learning solutions for varied training programs, be it Technical or NonTechnical Academic courses. These could include syllabus driven courses that are purely content sensitive courses. The other Learning Solutions include Website & Information Portal and the Business Application tools that are on real time simulated environment for delivering information and knowledge.
XQT follows the top down approach with an Eight Step Process as the development methodology to design and develop the Learning Solutions
Cloud Based Learning Management System with MIS Dashboard
XLMS is a cloud based Learning Management System(LMS) that is developed by XQT. It can be accessed either through the internet or intranet and it also has the facility to record user data in a customized manner as per the organization's requirements. Moreover, dynamic data entry fields can be created at the time of set up. The Graphical Dashboard is designed for easier understanding and navigation through LMS. XLMS comprises the Administrative User Interface and Student User Interface and has a Management Information System that generates numerous reports based on the group created, users, course uploaded, catalog and course usage statistics reports. XQT can customize the XLMS environment, look and feel as per the requirements of the organization.
Exposure to development of eLearning solutions for varied business domains
XQT has a combined experience of more than 100 man years and its personnel have been exposed to complete life cycle of training and development. XQT has experience in developing courses across different business domains namely Academic institutions, Business Processes, Community engagement and rural development, Kids learning, Applications environments (SAP,ERP,CRM), Soft skills, Police Department, Aviation domain (Cargo & Passenger), HR Processes etc.