The last decade has witnessed increased adoption of techenabled learning solutions and game changing incidents like Coronavirus and NEP have further accelerated this growth. While the COVID outbreak triggered a remarkable shift to digital-learning, NEP reemphasised the need for it. Even Ministry of Education started shedding its traditional approach and laid emphasis on experiential learning and digital content.
The Ed Tech sector has mushroomed at a rapid pace with players creating standardised products for ERP, E-content, security solutions, biometrics, aptitude test platforms and others. Private K12 Schools in urban and tier 1 cities started getting flooded with these products without having a holistic view of the schooling system; those in tier 2, 3 cities lacked access to these; Government schools under the "go digital" initiative started getting complex smart class hardware products that were ahead of its times given the inability for teachers to leverage them productively.
A digital divide became more visible rather than digital unification. A need emerged for a one-stop solution provider offering customisation based on requirements of schools "“ from private chains, independent schools, schools in urban and rural cities, government schools or schools designed to cater to the tribal belt.
Reimagining EdTech is Ampersand Group, an education service provider that delivers end-to-end solutions to educational institutions across the country ranging from Preschools to K-12 schools. Ampersand Group's foray into education was through private schools nearly 16 years ago. Over the years they have expanded footprints across the country and currently serve quality education & skilling to more than 300,000 beneficiaries including 60,000 students in 40 private schools and 100,000 students in Government schools across 20 states of India. The Founder Chairman was a stickler for scale and standardisation while retaining quality standards and hence introduced processes and technologically enabled platforms.
"The last three years of R&D and investment into technology resulted in a platform that can be extensively used to drive efficient outcomes across educational institutions in the private and public domains. With this confidence, we started working closely with central and state governments driving value through technology and digital delivery in K12 education, skilling and vocational education" adds Vinesh Menon, CEO "“ Education, Skilling & Consultancy Services, Ampersand Group.
The AMPERSAND platform is designed to address issues that need tailor made solutions. Ampersand's objective is to bring delivery to key elements and offer a spectrum of services including School Management, Brand Licensing, Preschool Operations and Management, Continuous Professional Development for teachers, Vocational Education, IT and Online Content Development, Certification and Accreditation, Infrastructure Development and Maintenance among others.
Over the years they have expanded footprints across the country and currently serve quality education & skilling to more than 300,000 beneficiaries
"Products and Solutions that are available in silos are offered by us as a repository of Virtual Education Solutions & Services under one roof. We are uniquely positioned as not just another Ed Tech organisation but a school chain with more than a decade experience in running schools, managing students and teachers' performance and components that drive efficiency of the school ecosystem" explains Vinesh.
The Walk into the Future
Vinesh Menon believes that publicprivate partnerships need more emphasis as the government has the infrastructure, budget and students that a private player can execute efficiently to scale. "We are excited about the National Education Policy that clearly outlines harnessing technology to enable last mile education access and we intend to contribute to this objective" summarises Menon.