LearninZ: Experienced Trainers, Quality Solutions at affordable price

CIO Vendor A young chap during his elementary years often pondered over the fact that essential and quality learning is a result of unavailability of teachers within the vicinity, and not so much a result of the teachers per se. His confidence in his gurus allowed him to focus on the problem of unavailability from a very young age. He himself sought to solve this problem by training and teaching. After graduation, Amritendu moved to US to work for Cognizant. Came back to India, and the problem of scarcity of teachers in the city and the accessibility were still at the back of his mind. He eventually began training young lads thereby mildly satisfying his wish to impart education.

This was 2018. In 2019, he met one of his college mates, who had also returned from the US after a long tenure. The duo discussed the possibility of developing a Value Based Learning platform that might just bridge the gap between a teacher and a student to a great extent. And thus, LearninZ was born. Learninz is a value-based education platform delivering quality education wherein the value is derived from experienced trainers, and quality content.

ISO 9001: 2015 certified, LearninZ enjoys most of its business through client referrals. This speaks volumes about the platform's quality management delivery in the education content. The firm is also partnering with several corporate and institutions to accelerate the good work. LeanrinZ has added several courses for a wide range of audience, right from kids to technical professionals.

As the Founder, Amritendu reiterates that the LearninZ platform is set to catalyze the new education policies dictated by the Indian Government. With the pandemic setting in, and pushing people back inside their homes, learning is obviously to be imparted & work from home is the new normal. The LearninZ platform is all geared up to face the new future of learning as Amritendu informed.

In times when loss of employment has struck a large segment of the working-class youngsters, LearninZ comes as knock on the door to remind
people how to utilize the time to upskill. Also, LearninZ focuses on generating employment and during this pandemic they so far have already provided employment to some, but they are planning to upscale the drive as well.

With a myriad of course in the portfolio, LearninZ is inclined to help people make the best use of these times. "Earlier, education was localized. We want to get rid of the term localized and make education globalized. We're doing this by eliminating the concept of local trainers and bringing together trainers from across India to help learners cut free of the boundary", says Amritendu.

LearninZ English fluency course is currently the flagship offering, having catered to a few hundred students, and conducted 4500 plus live classes. Besides, English, LearninZ also offers IELTS, PTE beside French classes for people who wish opt for a second language in their college or school. Apart from all this, one incredibly unique course that is exclusive to LearninZ is a Self Development counselling.

Via this LearninZ intends to help people to establish a positive aura around them with respect to their career teach them how to convert expectation to reality. This accounts for more importance due to the pandemic where people are likely to lose their jobs and live in constant fear of the same. This course teaches people to set right expectations, tackle those expectations and allow it to manifest to attract the right opportunities. This has benefited a quite a few people so far. Amritendu himself imparts this training called Self Development.

LearninZ has also introduce something called ActivKIDZ program. Last few months have made the kids locked into the closed door almost. This initiative is a try to give back to the kids the active life that they want and deserve. Under this program, LearninZ provides remote training of football, basketball, chess and few others sport. Nowadays, it's a trend it seems that each kid need to learn coding. So its also a reminder the parents that "All coding and no activity will make a dull pupil out of their kid". They should also stay active and here we are.

LearninZ has constantly ensured the value is delivered through its courses. LearninZ has engaged into imparting learners with the confidence to learn, excel in life, and will continue to do so. LearninZ is on a mission to transform the learning structure and has registered significant growth already. In the years to come, the platform will feature a myriad of courses that will truly catapult the learning outcome.