Verzeo: Educating The Next Generations To Become Inventors

CIO Vendor Online learning is slowing entering mainstream and students have adapted to expect more and smart enough to pick their own curriculum and method of learning. Unlike any e-learning platform, Verzeo offers an entirely different experience to the students who become a part of the platform. As a fast growing professional training platform provides an intimate team experience that binds all the students and the mentors together in such a bond that leaves no scope of "˜nonunderstood' material.

Everything is taught in such a way that it leaves the room for the student to grow and experiment with everything they have learned along the way. "E-learning has saturated a lot over the past few years. But we want to convey that it doesn't matter how much a niche has been saturated, you can always make a difference by being original and deliver exactly what you have promised. That's what we believe in", says Vungarala V Subrahmanyam (Subbu), CEO, Verzeo.

Students of the current day & age, often know what they want from their e-learning platforms. However, more often than not, students have to settle with content that just scratches the surface of the curriculum that they are interested in. Online Learning (or E-Learning) should always focus on having a set of distinct features as compared to the rest of the platforms that the students already know about. In addition to what any e-learning platform would provide, Verzeo stays one step ahead because of its industry experts and partners on board. Verzeo has networked with hundreds of mentors and tutors from all around the world to provide only what's best for the students.

Verzeo's program is focused on an extraordinary way of learning which involves live projects, healthy and constructive competition between students, and access to some of the most important projects and case studies that they need for their learning. Right from certificates to features on Verzeo's socials, the platform involves students along this journey. With
its mentor assistance and innumerable learning resources from the top minds of the industry, Verzeo is making sure to deliver only what's best.

Assorted Suite of Options to Learn
Verzeo offers Mentor-led training (from Industry Experts who possess rich domain experience and from the industry of the domain they specialize in), project experience (where they work on projects that simulate real-world technicalities within the domain) which enriches many qualities and skills such as creative and critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, and the desire to find a solution to complex problems. More so, Verzeo platform offers 1-on-1 mentorship to the candidate during and after the students are done with their courses; the mentors are very easily approachable and affable as well. "Through this, students are trained rigorously in the ropes of the domain they choose to get an idea not just on the domain but on how to work around it in a more challenging environment", explains Subbu.

With its mentor assistance and innumerable learning resources from the top minds of the industry, Verzeo is making sure to deliver only what's best

Furthermore, Verzeo also introduces meticulous interest in creating a competitive environment with regular competitions and hackathons that stimulate creativity and rational thinking among the student community. "Today's students are brimming with ideas but are not getting proper platforms to showcase them. We want to change this narrative by bringing along these whiz-kids and make them known to the world", adds Subbu.

In the near future, Verzeo is planning to introduce coaching for competitive exams such as JEE, NEET, and other private and public competitive examinations. Entrepreneurship and masterclasses from industry experts are also part of Verzeo's endeavor to diversify. Such strides are affirmative that Verzeo is here to make a difference in the e-learning version we know.