Wysine Technologies- Turnkey Solutions to Measure, Monitor and Manage Energy Specific Needs

Utilities are currently gaining a competitive edge by adopting more data-driven businesses to provide real-time information. This goes in tandem with designing tools for active customer's participation in the market to better manage their energy use and consumption. Incepted in 2008 in Chennai, Wysine Technologies Private Limited develops products and solutions in the energy, water and carbon management space. Theorganization renders solutions (combination of hardware and software tools) to enable the clients to measure in real time data from any source including energy meters, water meters and a variety of sensors.

Arguably, affordable connectivity is sure to unlock the power of centralized facility and energy management to drive increased savings, efficiency, and resiliency. There is a need to select opportunities based on cost saving potential followed by applying behavioral or automated means of reducing energy consumption.

Wysine's IP based solution is ideal for monitoring and managing companies with multiple facilities dispersed geographically

Aligning to these requisites, Wysine has designed a real time monitoring and management software, Wymon, that provides the real time data to bring out efficiency opportunities, identifies problems, tracks improvements and controls costs. Wymon combines data from multiple sources such as energy meters, water meters, temperature and humidity sensors and other similar data sources that can communicate over a standard interface. Metrics such as Specific Energy Consumption (SEC), which is a ratio of the energy consumed for unit production, can be calculated and used to benchmark with global standards.
Imposing Features of Wysine's Energy Management Solution:

"¢ A web-enabled solution, that automates the process of monitoring and analysis of energy consumption, energy costs, Maximum Demand and Power Factor
"¢ Can be used identify opportunities for energy efficiency and to verify implemented efficiency measures, which can hasten the process of introducing energy efficient practices
"¢ Installation-friendly and designed to maximize the reuse of the existing infrastructure
"¢ Alerts based on user configurable rules

The energy data at the same time can be correlated with data from the PLC of the machines to trigger preventive maintenance of machines.

Wysine's IP based solution is ideal for monitoring and managing companies with multiple facilities dispersed geographically. The solution also provides comparative statements across locations to help identify best practices and deploy them to other sites thus benefiting in terms of savings. The energy monitoring and feedback is capable of assisting in conserving the usage in common areas and provide a transparent feedback to the residents.

Wysine was recognized with "National Award for Excellence in Energy Management" by CII- Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Center in 2009. Having experience in fields ranging from communication protocols development to construction and building management, the company has earned the esteemed membership of the Indian Green Building Council and CII (Confederation of Indian Industry). With such accolades on the shelf and the solution already connecting multiple data sources into the platform for analysis and action, Wysine is focused to further expand this solution into the IoT space to deliver further value and insight to customers.