For today's contemporary customer, who wants to be ahead of the competition, the traditional approach "“creating 3D Models, generating 2D Drawing output, using CNC for machining etc, is just not enough. The Designers and Manufacturers of discrete products whose needs have significantly changed in the last few years, are forced to think alternatively on many fronts to meet their primary objectives "“ time to market, reduced cost (in design, manufacturing, testing, prototypes), reduced or removed rework to enhance or maintain quality, alternative manufacturing methods, so on and so forth. With a Solution based approach to help the customer achieve many of such objectives, Bangalore headquartered CADOpt Technologies Pvt. Ltd. provides Engineering Services and Solutions like Design Automation, Customization, Customized Applications (Apps), Library building, Training and Mentoring, with prime focus on CAD (Computer Aided Design) / CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) / CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) / PDM (Product Data Management) / PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) to firms in the Automotive, Aerospace, Heavy Engineering, Medical
Devices, Hi-Tech and Home Appliances industries.
Lately, Smart, connected products (Internet of Things) is gaining momentum which will soon affect discrete manufacturers in numerous ways. PTC is in the forefront of the emerging IoT technologies and CADOpt, as providers of PTC products, will gear up to assist customers in taking them through this transformation. Being one of PTC's direct and growing Value Added Reseller (VAR) partner, CADOpt possesses strong technical & consulting skills in CAD and PDM that has been leading the company towards becoming a one stop shop for PTC suite of products and Software, Support and Services in the Design and Manufacturing space. Within a couple of years, CADOpt has started successful operations in Chennai and Coimbatore and have plans & potential to expand to other regions.
Customization services via Custom Apps
The Directors of CADOpt, with more than 30 collective years' experiencein the Global Services Organization of PTC, understand each customer to great depth and interact at different levels to build a roadmap especially on the Engineering & Manufacturing end.
CADOpt caters to every Customization/Automation requirement and builds it bottom-up followed by fine tuning it to the satisfaction of the customer
They realize that each customer's requirement is unique "“ each has his own method and processes to design and/or manufacture their products, and hence believe their solutions too need to be unique or tailored to meet the customer's needs. Accordingly, CADOpt caters to every Customization/Automation requirement and builds it bottom-up followed by fine tuning it to the satisfaction of the customer.
To reduce frequent Product based / Process based tasks which are time consuming and non-productive, CADOpt offers Customization services that include Customized Apps. These applications are simple, direct solutions developed to enhance designer productivity, reduce user intervention and prevent design errors. CADOpt's custom apps like "˜BOM to Excel', "˜ADV Hole Table' and "˜ADV Inspection Report' are plug-in software pieces that readily integrate with customer's existing PTC Creo software, enabling creation of respective Reports at the click of a button and in the format they need. "Our custom apps are unique or made-to-order for each customer", assures Senthil Kumar Sivaraj, Co-founder & Director, CADOpt.