HTSS : Strengthening the Core Competency of Enterprises

CIO Vendor Every enterprise requires a continuously flowing stream of thoughts and transformational ideas which lead them to innovation/invention. Inventing a new product, service or a process involves a lot of excitement, some confusions and a tremendous amount of buzz. Engineering Software Solutions play an important role in the process. ESS providers invest a great deal of consulting hours in understanding the client's business, their core objectives and drafting a strategic plan to achieve the desired end result. This reduces the workload and does a world of good for the companies, making their task much easier.

With a skill set of both design engineering and software programming, HI-Tech Company Software Solutions (Chennai) Pvt Ltd (HTSS) is a Chennai Based software development and Customisation Firm focused on providing Engineering Design & Process Customization/Automation Services. Dr.C.Mathiazhagan, a doctorate in Aero Space Engineering from IISC Bangalore and one of the finest technical experts established the enterprise in 1997 with a motive to provide services which are reliable, scalable, cost effective, and fast to deploy. While most traditional offshore developments are promoted on the premise of price wars alone, HTSS has an offshore development which is built on the idea of having a skilled knowledge force at a remote location and at a competitive price.

HTSS helps its customers combine the best of both custom and off-the-shelf software which provides the clients with an opportunity to build customised and standard applications, further reducing the total ownership for software creation while enhancing the functionality and
maintainability. To scale down the time involved in the repeated modelling processes and to increase the efficiency of its customer's workforce in the Architectural Engineering Construction (AEC) industry, HTSS, through its Autodesk Revit verticals, offers customisation services in the Building Information Modelling (BIM) area. HTSS also develops Windows based applications, FTP; Web-based applications and develops ERP applications related to production, planning, shipment and sales orders.

HTSS helps its customers combine the best of both custom and off-the-shelf software which provides the clients with an opportunity to build customised and standard applications

With a rich experience of over two decades in providing Engineering design, re-engineering, automation and R&D (Research and Development) services and a steady growth of 12-15% year on year, the company wants to create a niche for itself. HTSS is marching forward to step into IT, SMAC services and the latest Augmented and Virtual Reality domains as well for an incremental growth. Performance and credit rating of SE 2A by NSIC BWR speaks for the company's high financial stability and performance capability. The firm has been growing consistently even during the period of economic turmoil when most of the companies were having a negative growth. HTSS is stabilised and has evolved in the real time business and they feel they are in a better position now to handle growth, investments and the evolving technologies to prevail in the long run.