Vivek Mannige, CEO of AccelTree Software, had envisioned that mobile phones will become an integral part of an organization's business strategy when AccelTree Software was first set up, and since then he has been pursuing this endeavor of digital transformation. AccelTree Software is a product company based out of Pune and has been a pioneer in Enterprise Mobility Solutions since 2002 in India. The sole intent of the company is to enhance the productivity of the field force of enterprises, and has been serving more than 35 corporate clients in India and abroad ever since.
AccelTree provides enterprise mobility products which are customized for a range of activities to the BFSI segment. For the Banking and Financial Services space, a variety of products like Account Opening, Loan Origination, Field Verification and Collections are being offered with constant upgrades. Its most popular integrated sales solution is AcceLife that is provided for the Life Insurance sector. It covers Client Management, Financial Needs Analysis, Risk Profiling, Product Recommendations, Benefit Illustrations, Quotations, Product Showcase and many more features.
AccelTree's technologists along with domain specialists have built their own Mobile Enterprise Application Platform [M.E.A.P] known as FRED, which took several years to build. The FRED MEAP has evolved over time into a robust and highly scalable application platform that can manage a large number of concurrent users without any delay in response time. The configurable FRED Server caters to the handling of heavy load, complex workflows and business logic along with data security. FRED talks to external backend systems through its Component Calling Interface with ease.
"Our platform also delivers multilingual applications; companies can flick a switch and turn over from one language to another," says Vivek. In addition to this, AccelTree has introduced the Stallion framework which significantly reduces time to build and modify mobile solutions to any variety of hand set that exists today and in the future, and reduces time for implementation. It provides a high performance and low cost operating platform that runs on many server environments.
Vivek states, "Innovations are incorporated regularly in our enterprise solutions. Previously we had integrated the Signature Capture module, then the Document Cleaner and later the Quotation Configurator. Our latest additions are jAutomator, Analytical Reports, Graphical Dashboards and the versatile Stallion Framework wherein a common code can be used for any operating system for any mobile/tablet along with the capability to develop browser based solutions.
AccelTree provides enterprise mobility products which are customized for a range of activities to the BFSI segment.
Immense Flexibility and Improved Productivity
Enterprise mobility is expected to flourish even more in the coming years with every discerning organization introducing Enterprise Mobile Applications to improve productivity, save costs and increase both the top and bottom line. With constant technology innovations and FRED-MEAP undergoing upgrades, AccelTree is all geared up for the rapidly changing digital mobile technologies, with immense flexibility continuously being offered by the underlying technology in its FRED and Stallion based Solutions.