Mobile labs - Diversifying from Public to Private Mobile Device Clouds for Optimum Proficiency

CIO Vendor We're no longer in a world where the enterprise has a single production environment, ergo making the mobility domain more ambitious and aggressive. Presently enterprise mobility arena is facing the impediments like struggles to understand the market and ability to tackle with the variety of platforms and devices in the market, lack of infrastructure to support collaborative development, access to the right device at the right time, its either striking out with these challenges or taking it as an opportunity to get an edge over the competitors and making a position in the market. Mobile Labs established in 2011 with its headquarter in Atlanta have captivated the mobility domain with its products and solutions. It understands the intensity and seriousness of mobile security concern for the mobile-first enterprise, thus, providing a next generation testing tools for mobile app and private mobile device clouds solutions to help the enterprise deploy quality mobile apps, without compromising performance or security.

Owing to the efficiency of devices, mobile engineers need instant access to mobile devices from anywhere in the world without compromising corporate data security, opting public cloud opens realms of possibility of security breaches, mobile labs realizing the significance of security, solved the challenges of mobile device access management by allowing access to a private mobile device cloud known as the deviceConnect, the next generation patent-pending technology makes possible to offer and share remote access to multiple devices and multiple operating system versions. App management function tracks the minimum level of an operating system needed to run any app and its continuous integration capability allows apps to be automatically installed from the build system onto devices of the appropriate type and appropriate operating system level.

Mobile Labs established in 2011 with its headquarter in Atlanta have captivated the mobility domain with its products and solutions.

Mobile labs' device cloud is designed to be accessed over the local high-speed LAN, resulting in minimal latency from the network; in addition, not burdening the WiFi or cellular data stream. The app may use any test data or test traffic; this allows the app to use the full bandwidth of the device's network connection for app testing. The efficiency and effectiveness of device cloud could be understood by the fact that the solution was created to save time by discovering defects earlier in the process, by giving instant access to multiple devices and operating systems, reducing or eliminating time spent waiting to obtain a needed device, by enabling collaboration of the best minds to work and resolve problems. In addition, a device cloud saves capital expense by reducing the number of devices that would have to be bought to support plugging them into a developer or tester computer.

Pursuing the Increament and Expansion of DeviceConnect
Mobile labs seeks to increase the number of UI automation capabilities available from them and from their partners and also increase DevOps capabilities, and expand the ability to use development, collaboration, and testing tools with deviceConnect, ultimately expanding deviceConnect's role as the heart of the mobile enterprise development infrastructure in coming future.